Give Thanks 2017

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." - Oprah Winfrey


"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more." Notice Oprah didn't add the word "stuff" at the end. She wants us to have more. Being thankful opens our eyes to see the precious and valuable things around us. Being thankful for the people around us gives us insight into their greatness. It is easy to take for granted our colleagues at work and others who help us along the way. And how easily we brush off the ones closest to us when they are the ones who need to know they are appreciated. Each time we give thanks we grow to appreciate what we have and we receive something bigger than us, contentment. Giving thanks frees the heart of complaints and bitterness and inferiorities. Instead we are filled with appreciation for every breath of life. Thanksgiving opens the door for peace and stability. Confidence comes together with joy. When we give thanks, we begin to taste eternity. That moment of thanksgiving remains and grows like a seed of thanksgiving.


There are some people who seem too difficult. Don't start there. Wait for the seed of thanksgiving to grow. Start with life. Be thankful for every breath that you have. Be thankful for the experiences of this body every day. Be thankful for those closest to you. Make an effort today to look for something to be thankful for because this is the last day of 2017. There will never be another. Over the past few years one colleague had tried to make every day difficult for me. There was not much I could do. Finally, I gave myself the task to write to down one thing I was thankful about her each day. I didn't even read it to her. At that time, it would have just bounced right off her. But after three years I can laugh about this. I was changed. I became thankful for her in all of her idiosyncrasies. I was thankful she was blatant about her criticisms and she was being used to humble me and make me stronger. What I gained was more than I ever could gain by grudging or battling against her. I overcame and gained confidence and self-esteem. I gained a friend.


The last part of Oprah's quote is a warning: "If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." We can easily become slaves to regret, complaining so much that we miss the good around us. There is an insatiable desire in the human heart. So even if we have everything our own way it really doesn't satisfy. In his book called the "Confessions" Augustine of Hippo wrote: "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you." Thanksgiving is a good start to finding this rest. It is so easy to take for granted the gifts I have received because of the few things I find annoying or think are lacking. At the close of this year I want to thank my wife and kids and those that love me. I want to say thank you to them. It has been a trying year and my health condition was worse than ever but I am thankful I am alive today. Instead of regret I want to begin today with thanksgiving. I want to be with them and let them know I am thankful for their lives and let them know that I love them. I know my youngest son will try to bite my nose and jump on me. My oldest son will close his door and my wife will have some nagging about my socks on the floor but I am thankful to begin a new year with them. I'm thankful to have the opportunity to write here with Steemit. I enjoy writing and hope that some people can be encouraged and grow and give thanks together. For the last day of 2017 giving thanks is not an option but our duty. If no one gives thanks in return that's OK because thanksgiving is powerful enough to return to you.

What is one thing you are thankful for?
(You can answer more than one.)

Thank you,

Happy New Year,



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