Proof of Brain

Community Collective

Some crypto currencies are rewarded through mining giving a proof of work measured in Hz. Steem cannot be mined but is rewarded in a subjective proof of work. I like to call this “Community Brain Power.” If there is a community that loves Binky and the Brain they may reward this post. The white paper says,

“proof of work enables a community to collectively fund the development of whatever it finds valuable.” (Steem Whitepaper)

The community that finds “Brain Power” valuable may collectively fund the contributions I am making to their community. There are communities on Steemit that fund developments in code, art, music, life, love, comedy, poetry, food and just about everything. One community may choose to reward people like minded people by supporting their contributions.

Community Reward

Every commodity in an economic system is voted in one way or another. When we buy a drink from a vending machine the vending machine operator knows which drinks were sold and what to provide next. When we visit an internet site we just voted on what we consider important and valuable. Every time we get on a train or take a bus or fill up a gas tank we are voting. The same thing is going on with Steem. Each like minded community rewards authors that contribute to “Community Brain Power.” Those who find a niche in a growing community find rewards. The community continues to support their work and developments and the author is encouraged to produce more and enhance the community.

What does this mean to me?

1. Contribute to a community.

The white paper says,

“Steem is the first cryptocurrency that attempts to accurately and transparently reward an unbounded number of individuals who make subjective contributions to its community.”

Without community there is no Steem going around. If I do anything here I need community. There are some circle jerks and there are some who just like to upvote themselves and enjoy the kinky pleasures of an assortment of upvote bots. (I haven’t had coffee for some time now.) There are some posts that contain one selfie and one page of bragging about their SP and you know the pay out is over 100 dollars. There are other posts I saw that are original works and researched well requiring hours of preparation but just never make more than fifty cents. When we write a post we need to think, "What can this post can contribute to its community?" We also need to think about the community we belong to.

2. Find your niche in a community.

It’s not enough to produce interesting articles or display artwork, poetry, original songs and videos if these do not meet the needs of a specific community here. A community will support you as you support others in the community and make a contribution to society as a whole. For so long I felt like my blog posts were going off into outer space because I couldn’t find a like minded community.



My Niche

I know the things I like and I know what I enjoy writing best. I have a degree in science and worked in the university and hospital labs but I don’t like that stuff very much. I can write about medical science, molecular research techniques and even about general Biology but it doesn’t thrill me. That’s why I became a teacher. Although this is the best job ever for me life as a teacher doesn’t thrill me much either. Every once in a while I see something interesting or learn something new. In college I began reading the Bible and it changed my life. This is interesting to me but didn’t seem to interest others so I choose to do something Bible oriented only once a week. I like art, poetry and music but I’m not really good at any of those things. What I’m really good at is seeing the 1960’s and 70s from the eyes of a little kid because this is what I did sitting in front of the TV for so long. The first 10 years of my life was my dad’s record collection. I’m really good at 70’s kids stuff and remembering songs from the 70s. In middle school and high school I played guitar and made a lot of noise. Today my guitar is more folk style and gentle but writing about guitar is not interesting to me. My niche is using a quote from my childhood and writing about in my blog. I haven’t found a specific community to support this although I have found some friends on @thesteemengine and @qurator who are writers and poets and rappers. I like their work and I support them. I don’t feel worthy to be part of their community. So where is my niche?

Who am I?

I cannot be Inspector Gadget or a super poet or singer song writer or rapper. I cannot be a crypto expert or a pro gammer. I can be 365GROOVY. This is the stupidest name for a blog but I’m not changing it. I thought about changing it to “Woodstock” the name of my profile picture but my name is Sky not “Woodstock”. And honestly half the people in the world don’t know what Woodstock is. They don’t know who Pete Townsend is or Keith Moon. They never heard of Buffy Sainte Marie or Harry Chapmin, Joe Croce, Steve Goodman or Joni Mitchell. Yet these names mean songs and stories to me. They are filled with secrets of life. Although I have outgrown the songs and have come to find deeper truths in the great books and in the Bible the songs put life in a simple and clear way that many songs today are missing.

My Poems.

These poems are sometimes written in a way that no one can figure out and other times as clear as light. Sometimes they are songs written with new words. Each of the poems are original works created usually on the spot after reading my blog entry before posting. I am not a poet but I think there is no better way for me to end a post than by adding a poem.


I never know what to tag my post and what community I should be posting in and promoting. Is there a #hippie tag? How about #60’s or #70’s tag? I subtly write about decentralization and power back to the people but I don’t belong in the #anarchy tag. I love the Bible and believe God as the central ruler and think this is enough. I get frustrated when the church takes the role of the central leader when that role is by nature and definition given to God. When I looked through the tags of #religion, #spiritual, #christianity, #christian-trail, I don't not really belong there either. I sometimes give a quick reference or quote from musicians so I don’t belong in the #music tag. My articles are not really about poetry so I don’t belong in the #poetry tag. I use the #philosophy tag often but I am not a philosopher and actually I didn’t see a lot of stuff in that group I am interested in. I like the #freewriting tag but found too many ramblings. Where do I belong?

Wangta Tag

There is a Korean word “왕다” pronounced “Wangta”. If we directly translate the root word we get “king” but the meaning of the word has the nuance of ostracized and the reality is the Wangta kid will get bullied, ignored and rejected. There is really no place for the Wangta. It’s funny that here every country has their own team but there is no American team and there is no expat team. Maybe there should be a #wangta tag for those who don’t fit in anywhere. It would be the place for one whose writing encompasses all areas but not an expert in anything. Maybe #untalented? If you know the tag I belong in then please let me know.



The Old Shoe

Gregory had an old shoe.
He couldn’t tell if it were brown or blue.
He kicked it hard and found a clue.

Stitches came out one and two
Tough leather outside broke lose the glue
Showin’ inside a sole of that very old shoe.

In metaphysical nature
the soul suspended in mid air
for every human eye to see and to hear.
Gregory looked up and knew that it was blue.

Gregory had an old shoe.
He couldn’t tell if it were brown or blue.
Until he kicked it hard you see
and it came down black and blue.


What tag do you think I should use?




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