Vacation - Bob Wiely

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Bill Murray gives us wisdom that

transcends the 21st century through his panaphobic character Bob Wiely. Panaphobia is known as the fear of everything. I found myself under Steemaphobia for a couple weeks starting out. I was afraid to send anything out of my wallet and scared to go to market to buy Steem or go to blocktrades. For the past two weeks I experienced a kind of postaphobia. It was a fear of not producing 2 posts a day. That fear was born of stubborn pride contending that I was able to make two good posts a day. Atychiphobia was next. I began to have a fear of failure that I would never make a profit on Steemit and find all my time here was a waste. I compared my wallet to others who started at the same time and felt I wasn't making enough profit or my steem power was down. I followed crypto currencies thinking that if I just buy this one then I can sell it later and make a profit. I followed the price of Steem and the price of coins until one point I coudn't sleep at night. Now I am on vacation from my problems.

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It all started when I accidentally left my cell

phone at my in-law's house in the country. I have been on vacation from my problems ever since. The first thing my youngest son said was, "Good dad! Now you can play with me." After two days of no cell phone I've come to the conclusion that "I am on vacation from my problems." I'm not afraid of posting or not posting. I am not afraid of using my wallet or not using my wallet. If someone else is getting rich that is great. The money will go around. I will post my heart out and write something meaningful. I am @mineopoly because I am mining the heart. There is no reason to be anxious about anything. The results of anxiety can even be seen on my blog posts revealing rushed work lacking fluidity and no punch. Anxiety is a thief stealing our precious moments of relaxation and concentration. So today I mine the heart of @mineopoly and rebuke anxiety saying, "Go away! I am on vacation from my problems." I am not here on Steemit to make money or enter contests. Of course Steem Power is good and will power the message. But I need some time to remember why I am here. For me there is no success if I cannot sleep well or spend quality time with my kids. I am really continuing this blog to share my heart and open the hearts of others.

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I am not a psychologist any more than

Lucy is but I can hear her advice today, "SNAP OUT OF IT!!!" Today my youngest son had a terrible fever and kept me up all night. I don't mind giving him some some water and applying a wet rag to let the fever down through the night. I don't mind if he vomits on my clothes. This is what a father should do in the middle of the night. But if I am up in the middle of the night worrying about this blog or investments or promoting then I am totally in the wrong business. If you guys see @mineopoly acting strange let me know. If my posts are lacking substance please tell me because I need a wake up call as much as anyone else. The doctor needs to take his own medicine and be thankful for the grace given instead of wading in the bog of anxiety. I'm glad to share with you and I hope we can all take a little vacation from our problems. I will be posting something interesting once a day to give me time to post well and serve my family well. Finally. If you have never seen the movie, "What About Bob?" Please watch this movie. It is great.

Have you seen "What About Bob?"

What is the best vacation?




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