We are All Together

"I am he as you are he as you are me
And we are all together
I am the egg man
They are the egg man
I am the walrus
Goo goo g'joob"

John Lenon/ Paul McCartney

eggman walrus.PNG

Finally this Wednesday South Korean Unification minister and North Korean chief delegate could meet at the Panmunjom the peace village at the 38th parallel Demilitarized zone. According to BBC the North agreed to send delegates to the Winter Olympics and that was pretty much about it. BBC source


This news came to a surprise to me as I live and work about thirty minutes from the border. I was relieved to see this meeting and hope it will open up a better New Year for 2018. It is really a special privilege for North Korea to participate in these Olympics. I would like to watch some of the events in person as it is less than two hours away. By the way if you have an extra ticket please send one my way.


I see that through this meeting there exists a small possibility in an impossible situation. It is kind of eerie thinking the environment of this planet hangs on a button sitting next to the egg man and the walrus. But this meeting is a warm spark of hope in a frozen relationship. Whether we like it or not, "We are altogether."

Goo goo g'joob"




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