Wisdom and Humility

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The question was posed by @hr1. "Are you smart or wise?" The first stage is knowledge and perceiving information. This can be a just a series of binary code like 0110101001100101011100110111010101110011. This information is useful only to those who know how to decode binary. This requires intelligence stage two. We have enough intelligence to use a Binary text converter. https://roubaixinteractie.com/PlayGround/Binary_Conversion/Binary_To_Text.asp Intelligence can help us find the best solution to a problem but there are problems with no solution set. This is OK in the math world but in real life it’s a mental collapse. Intelligence leaves us lacking when it comes to real problems with family, people at work, kids and everyday interaction with people and nature. We require wisdom to handle these problem. That’s stage three, wisdom.

Now considering wisdom, there are two kinds of wisdom discussed by James the Just. The first is an earthly “wisdom” that harbors “bitter envy” and “selfish ambition”. This is not really wisdom but craftiness or cleverness. It is characterized by envy and selfish ambition. The fruits of this “wisdom” are disorder and ever kind of evil practice. It is a kind of “wisdom” but not enough to solve man’s inner problem. This wisdom seeks a nice solution in humanity or virtue but is lacking humility and purity. James the Just speaks of a second kind of wisdom that comes from heaven “first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere” (James 3:17). If we consider ourselves wise or understanding then we should follow through and show it by good deeds done in humility that come from wisdom. These good deeds don’t come because we are good, but they are the fruits of wisdom. These good deeds are not announced with trumpets but done in humility.


One of the most interesting things about Steemit is that everyone’s wallet is open for public view. Every interaction and comment and reply is not for only for me hidden but it is for the world to know. Our words and our actions here and each and every post has influence as well as our wallet and the transactions we make. We need wisdom in our actions. As a minnow here I have found people who show wisdom. They share their steem and vote not expect anything in return just interaction with their posts. Others share information and offer help to those who need support. Personally I saw this wisdom in @minnowsupport and @qurator. There is wisdom to follow up on others who visit our posts and support us. There is wisdom to forgive others and wisdom to flag when necessary. There is wisdom to make friends and develop ways for users to grow together. But we need wisdom that goes beyond the Steemit community. We need wisdom to interact with our family and the people we meet each day. I want the fruit of wisdom and humility to serve my wife and colleagues and especially wisdom to help my kids. In my own “goodness” I really can’t do it. I need 0110101001100101011100110111010101110011.

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” (James the Just)



All credit for the cartoon must go to Charles Schulz.
All credit for that inspiring painting go to Rembrandt you can find on wikipedia.
If your curious about the post that inspired me to write this, look here:

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