A closed mind is all about closed possibilites and opportunities

There are many times when we hear things like "Ohhh I know this will never happen for me" or if a task is laid or a thought is presented and there will be all the Ifs and Buts pouring out.

We see many people who are continuously progressing and some who can never make it for anything. So what could be the reason for this? People who fail always are filled up with excuses and their major excuse will be Luck is not on my side or that the Luck did not favor me.

So is it that Luck decides the failures and success of Life?

I completely do not believe in it. I feel it's the approach that we take to face our challenges and obstacles decide.....
Else there is no Good Luck and no Bad Luck, luck is a convenient way of putting the blame on external factors due to our own inefficiency of the approach towards life.


The 2 category people Open minded and the Closed minded, I see always have a very different approach. One always trying to bring in obstacles and the other always trying to bring in possibilities. One is always yearning for success and the other one always finding excuses to not succeed. That does not mean that the open minded people are always successful, they too will fail but still they will take some learning from it and move ahead with better possibilities.

A closed mind person is a bundle of preconceived notions and set ideas always wanting to be in the comfort zone and when one does that they close all the doors for the possible opportunities that life can bring to them and then they would so conveniently tag it to Bad Luck.

Life is all about exploring the depths within an outside and if that is not done, it's a complete waste of Life and the Energies that Life holds. It's ok to fail, every action will not bring success and good results, but every action will bring experience and that experience will always be beneficial for future actions.
But when we have not tasted the flavors of failures we have not given our self a chance to explore Life.

A close minded person always tends to feel victimized, thinking that the whole world is against, or that no one wants to support, or that nothing right happens in life, or even thinking like God is always very cruel to me.

With an open mind we can open up to more possibilities and potential growth in every area of Life. We are making room for change to happen in life. One should do away with the rigidity and allow the curiosities to seep in changing our life to bring in more positive experiences.


Some simple ways to work on the mind and enhancing it's capabilities

  • Meditation
  • Doing creative things
  • Walk out in the nature
  • Taking up challenging projects
  • Breaking free from set routines

Sometimes there is a possibility that we have a closed mind only to a specific area of life may be cause of a certain experience. In such cases people tend to turn hostile and may not even accept that. It is very important to allow that finger to point towards you and accept that there is a problem that needs to be worked upon.
At the end of the day our Success and our Failures are our responsibility, hence it is we who need to decide the approach towards Life.

β€œThe mind is like a parachute, it works best when open.”
Dalai Lama

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΈ

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