Lets Get Meta About Your Chosen Path and Journey


Do you ever wonder if your chosen path taken through life...

...was the correct one to take?

Would you... 'Could' you - go back and change this if you had the choice?

The truth is that there are various aspects to me.

Which doesn't mean that I am necessarily more of a person...

...than somebody for whom a single area is his or her whole deal.


Its a matter of depth versus breadth...

...and there are definite advantages and cons to both approaches.

One advantage to being more representative of breadth...

...is that it is easier to seem like one leads an interesting life.


There is a flip-side to that however.

The thing is that when one invests one's time and effort into a field...

...one finds that one's progress made is not linear.

Rather it is logarithmic. Each subsequent level of success is harder.


Now while this is also true for one who specializes...

...it would seem that the gains - the potential for each added level...

...are both greater than that of the level before...

...as well as the increase in effort required to unlock the level.

On this point alone it would seem that the individual choosing breadth...

...would have made a fanciful mistake.



There is one other possible way to unlock potential.


The concept that the unity of two or more elements results...

...in something more than the mere sum of the two combined.


In this cross-section an individual who has chosen breadth...

...may regain ground to even footing with those who'd chosen depth.

Of course - synergy can come about in more ways than one.

When two individuals come together and collaborate effectively.

This is called Teamwork.


The intersect is where the greatest opportunities tend to lie.

And this is because they tend to be relatively unexplored.

They say that if one reads three books on a given subject...

...then one becomes an 'expert', having grown more proficient...

...than 99% of the rest of the World, for as far as it is concerned.


That sounds like a very generically true statement.

A First-Aider is more proficient than many people in medicine...

...but does that make such a person fit to be a doctor or nurse?

Not quite, though I'd rather have a First-Aider around than nobody.

If one should read three books on two different subjects each...

...then for as far as the intersection of those two subjects is concerned...

...one could reasonably expect to be superbly proficient.

Yes such would take practice.

It is rare to come across books that themselves focus upon an intersection.


Life is precious.

In a sense life is time - and this makes time precious too.

It is tempting, especially for those of us who have bad experiences...

...or who have felt abandoned or otherwise hurt by others in life...

...to feel the desire to go things alone and to hope for the best.


If one has the full necessary skills and resources to make it happen...

...then all the more power to oneself. Make it happen.

However for many among us... we are simply not enough.

For those of us who fall in this category - we have a choice to make.

To learn the skill-sets and gain the resources necessary...

...or to team up with others who collectively do.


The more ambitious the project - the more team that you may need.

Consider the possibility, especially if the project is of importance...

and especially if your project experience is limited...

...of pushing the project further down the road.

Take on a smaller project of some relevance.

It will allow you to work easier with a smaller team or even alone.

The chasms of learning and resources each shorter to bridge.

Longer periods of learning, while worthwhile, can be frustrating...

...when one has stuff that one would otherwise wish to do.


This has been one of my more rambling posts, with one point melding into the next.

I have touched upon depth versus breadth, going solo versus teamwork, and placing projects and time into perspective.

If you found this post interesting and would like to share this with your friends then a resteem couldn't hurt.

If you 'didn't' like this then feel free to share your views in comments. A civil conversation can go a long way.


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