Time Cycles, Precession & The Schuman Resonance

Disconnection to the cycle of life & it's Connection To Depression & Mental Illness


I’d just like to clarify that my aim is not to provide you with definitive yes/no answers. I’m not here to define your reality and your thoughts/ideas are as valid as any I may have. These are my perceptions from a life of research, deep thought and contemplation. The purpose of my writing is to open a few minds to other possibilities and challenge conventional thought processes. As I move on I will be sharing my original ideas (alongside other truth and wisdom), all I ask is that you read them with an open mind and then make of them what you will.



With each passing year, month and day the evolution of humanity is taking a divergence from nature and natural law. Is this an accidental by-product of our “progress” and technology or is there something deeper going on? Indeed the stresses and strains of modern life plus incessant media, wi-fi, smart infrastructure, the impending 5G connection, and general electro-magnetic interference all seem to be exasperating this loss of connection.

It is my personal belief that this disconnection to the natural order/cycle is having a profoundly detrimental effect upon the direction and very psyche of humanity. Does this mean we’ve lived in bliss until this point in time? No certainly not, for human history portrays the brutal polarities of natural law in graphic detail and over thousands of years (although much war and brutality has arisen from manipulation).

In many ways we have been diverting from the natural order for a very very long time. That said I believe modern life is now exponentially exasperating this process and leading to a psychosis, resignation and depressive state that is beginning to spread through a society like a disease, the disease of societal modernism. I believe this is both a by-product and an intention. The intention is another huge subject so I will revisit intent with far greater detail at a later date. Now to some these will seem like very bold statements so I’m going to show/give some examples as to how I’ve arrived at this conclusion.

Time and Precession

Born out of an ignorance regarding the very nature of time itself humanity has constructed a calendar whose very implementation was one of the first steps in our disconnection to natural law, this is sometimes referred to as the error in time. To keep balance with the natural order and cycle of life the calendar should be (roughly) divided into 13 months of 28 days (adding an extra day in the year), this is known as higher time. A higher time calendar would ensure a perfect balance between our body clock and the natural time cycle of the earth. Indeed the modern calendar and concept of time has removed us from the interconnected natural cycle of life. In doing so we have externalised the concept of time and enslaved ourselves to the clock.

The concept of linear time is a relatively new thought process. I believe the very nature of reality, matter and life work within a series of interlocking cycles, indeed our very bodies are an emodiment of these universal laws. If the natural order of the earth indeed universe works within a cyclical construct, why should time be any different?

Time Cycles

It’s easier to understand time if you think of cycles within cycles, kind of like the inner workings of an expensive clock i.e cogs within cogs. We have cycles that can be observed with the naked eye i.e cosmic day and night cycles, monthly lunar cycles and yearly seasonal cycles. Within these observable time periods we have tighter time cycles and also much larger ones. The larger time cycles are referred to as precession, the precession of the earth is caused by the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon and it causes a wobbling effect. If you think of a spinning top that is slowing down and giving a (perpetual) wider circle then this is probably the easiest way to understand the cycle of precession and indeed the movement of the earth. A full precessional cycle takes 25,800 years which equates to one degree every 72 years.

Milankovitch Cycle & The Great Year

Another example of a cycle within a cycle would be the Milankovitch cycle which is a climate cycle linked to the movement of precession. A full precessional cycle is referred to as the precession of the equinoxes or a platonic year. A full turn of precession was referred to by Plato as the great year as it incorporates four seasons/ages within this 25,800 time period. The great year is thought to incorporate the balance and polarities of both light and dark ages and indeed these balances play out within human history.

I believe we are in the process of moving from the winter of the great year and into the rebirth of spring and perhaps time itself, an era of great change. The anger, hatred and war we see are caused by those that are trying to hold onto the old world, but if we look around this is also an age of awakening and rising awareness. Perhaps this plays a part in the intention to disconnect us from the natural order and an awareness of this great change?

I think Bruce sums up at least an aspect of this in the short video below

Brain waves and the Schuman Resonance

The human brain is known to have five states of brain activity


I will add that the downside of Beta & Gamma waves are that they can contribute to anxiety.

The Schuman Resonance

The earth’s magnetic energy, heartbeat is known as the Schuman resonance. The Schuman resonance surrounds both ourselves and the earth. It extends to 30 miles in height and to the very edge of the ionosphere. The human body (especially the brain) and every organism harmonises in perfect synchronicity with the Schuman resonance. It regulates our brain waves, metabolic processes and the sense of direction in humans, animals and birds.

The human brain communicates with this magnetic field through the brains naturally occurring magnetite crystals. Every brain contains 5 million magnetite crystals per gram of brain mass. These crystals resonate perfectly with the magnetic field that surrounds us. Indeed disruption within the geo-magnetic field (much like the lunar cycle) has a direct influence upon psychology and metabolism. This can be shown within birth rates, accidents, death and spikes in violence. Even the Federal Reserve (Boo Hiss) have concluded that trade on the stock market is directly influenced by these bio-rhythms. When the first astronauts started to return with depression (and in some cases psychosis) a study concluded this was due to a disconnection to the Schuman resonance. This was rectified by installing resonance generators in each spacecraft.

Depression, mental health, insanity and false cycles

In terms of depression it has never been scientifically proven that this condition is caused by a chemical imbalance. Indeed if depression is a chemical imbalance then why is it unknown amongst indigenous communities? At least until they are assimilated into western society then often go on to become not only depressed, mentally ill but also drug addicts, alcoholics and prostitutes (more on this later).

This has all been conveniently glossed over by the pharmaceutical industry. Purely because they want to sell you drugs to correct this unsubstantiated imbalance. Indeed the greater our disconnection becomes the more drugs they will be able to sell. These drugs may mask your symptoms but they are often at the detriment of other aspects of health, including mental health. They are little more than a band aid and will never cure those that take them, the best they do is stabilise you for varying periods of time.

The creation Of False Cycles

In case anyone has yet to guess I believe depression, mental illness and many of the problems facing humanity derive from an increasing disconnection to the Schuman resonance the natural cycles of life and indeed natural law. Based upon the cyclical nature of reality I theorise that the disconnection to natural cycles leads us to create our own cycles. The tighter the psychological manifestations of these false cycles become the deeper the depression. Indeed that is why those with bi-polar disorder are often referred to as having “a cycle of depression”, addiction is another example of a false cycle. The tightest cycles are when people become trapped in psychosis and madness, a prisoner within their own mind.

The ones that become left behind

So within a mess of a society that works for some at the detriment of others, the people that profoundly feel this disconnection are often the kindest and gentlest souls. In turn they become the most dysfunctional, often turning to heavy drink, drug use and promiscuity (refer to my indigenous communities statement) as a way to try and fill the void they instinctively feel. Within this process (there are always exceptions to these rules) those with a harder edge and perhaps less compassion often rise to the top of a dog eat dog society. They define themselves with money and status but use their drive and intellect to fuel a system that (if it continues in this current trajectory) will one day kill us all, clever eh?

The very nature of our banking systems, corporatism, and consumer culture are ensuring that we are becoming a cancer to the earth. But then if the worst attributes of humanity are required to keep this capitalistic world economically spinning then what can we expect? We have been trained to define ourselves and success by the number of zero’s in our bank balances (as long as it’s not one zero :D ). To define our happiness by buying crap we can’t afford, whilst the virtues of greed and narcissism are being signalled all around us on a daily basis, this is the age of the ego.


Rediscovering Our Connection

I often think that if cancer was a sentient being how clever it would feel as it outwitted it’s host. How it would smugly laugh as it spread from one organ to the next, little realising the very nature of it’s success would in turn sow the seeds of it’s death. I'm not saying we all need to back to living in caves but we do need to re-discover our connection to natural law and we do need to find a balance both within ourselves and the world around us. Many of the most successful communities in the world are based upon respect for each other and the earth, and I believe the two go hand in hand. Indeed how can we respect the earth without respect for ourselves and our fellow man/woman?

We are the embodiment of both natural law and the polarities that pervade our every atom. We and the world we inhabit are a living monument of every decision we make and every choice we take. Our lives and these moments in time are our chance to elevate both ourselves and others to live a life worth living and be the change we want to happen.
That is why I write these words so thanks for taking the time to read them.

If you feel my words worthy of an upvote or resteem that will be humbly appreciated.

“We live, we die, and like the grass and trees, renew ourselves from the soft clods of the grave. Stones crumble and decay, faiths grow old and they are forgotten but new beliefs are born. The faith of the villages is dust now…but it will grow again….like the trees.

May serenity circle on silent wings and catch the whisper of the winds.”
-Chief Joseph, Nez Perce


Written by@perceptualflaws
minnowsupportproject gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth
Gifs courtesy of giphy.com

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