Being the change, where true revolution begins: quotes from respected masters and personal experience

Greetings My Fellow Steemians!

I find myself with every spare moment getting on Steemit to comment or Upvote valuable content or compose my new post that I want to share so as to enrich the experience for all of you who I have come to appreciate so much!

I have an extensive collection of quotes that I have found to be clear, direct and potent to relevant matters that we would all benefit by pondering more. 

So in deep gratitude for all that you have shared with me in my weeks here, I compose this for you tonight. Inspired by a quote by Aldous Huxley~


This quote is very powerful to me and I feel it could be for many people here on this platform. So I share it in hopes to stimulate evolution within. 

I was feeling I had too many responsibilities to write a full article and thus wanted to share some valuable words, yet now that I create this I am inspired to share a bit about why this is significant for me and what that means. 

The reason being is that ever since I was a kid I have disagreed with the world. When I was younger I was unhappy, depressed and angry about it. Not only did this not make me successful at changing the world but it made me suffer, a LOT. 

After awakening and finding my power, I began to be successful with everything I do. Because of this many people looked to me for answers, solutions and support in their own lives. 

Because of my success and because of others coming to me, I have had various points in my life where I had a "change the world complex," where I felt like not only could I change it but that it is my responsibility to do it. 

I don't totally disagree with that now. I very purposefully do many things to help people and provide new examples for living in this world. Yet every day I tell people "you are responsible for your life, only you can change your experience". Not only is this true, but the quote from Aldous is also true. Which is that even if you do want to change the world or even if it were possible, the only way that would be legitimate is to change yourself first. You must first at a minimum be an EXAMPLE of what change you wish to see. 

This of course would remind me of another powerful quote from another very influential being. 

Most know him as Gandhi~*~

So in conclusion, YES it is possible to "change" the world, but it is truly transforming within and BEING the example, when inspiration comes. SO the true focus must be to go within, to contemplate, to hone in on ideals and embody them as an example to inspire others. Then it is others who must go within and embody for themselves their unique version of what that is to actualize the reality. 

So as with all profound aspects of life, it is a paradox. 

Yes it is possible to be a PART of a change in the world. Yes it is possible to inspire change in others, yet it is the change within that allows us to be a part of such magnificence. 

The most respected people of our time and history share this over and over in their own unique way just as those of us truly being the example are sharing it with those in our life now~*~

∞§∞We are the power∞§∞

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