Lying In The Dark, Listening to the Rain, From A Thousand Thoughts In My Mind to Pure Appreciation for The Simple Blessings of the Miracle that is Life

I had a thousand thoughts going through my mind. It started to rain and the life giving aroma of fresh rain-infused air beconed me to presence. 

I lied down to smell the fresh air and listen to the symphony of drops. As usual I thought of Steemit and began to make a video to connect and share. 

I thought I may talk about the many relevant topics to Steemit that I have been looking into tonight in this video such as the new Smart Media Tokens of which are very intriguing and super hot right now. Or the hard fork-series of which seems has the potential to not only be really cool but also to be great exposure for the cutting edge possibility of Steemit!

As I was turning on the video camera in the dark I realized it would be the first video I have made without a Steemit Cap in a VERY long time! 

I let go of the possibility that it may be a boring video or that people would think this was a shit post. 

I took a deep breath in presence and let the recording begin. 

This wound up being simple yet profound. Maybe trivial and boring to some but in truth of great relevance and importance to everyone. 

Appreciation pours through as I lay here in the dark listening to the rain. I am so grateful to be alive, so grateful to be able to share that with you all here and grateful for the great opportunities that await us in the miracle that is life. 

I am very excited for all of us here on Steemit as we really are building a community that has the potential to be revolutionary. We are like the rain with every one of our contributions to the blockchain being a drop, giving life to the growth of this eco system and the future prosperity of our tribe! 

As always I appreciate your feedback and welcome your support!


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