The Psychic Truth experiment- The law of Attraction- Day 2


Day 2 How i developed an attraction checklist and why. Ok, so you need to know this is relevant- Remember my sole aim is to try and prove the link between psychic readings and attraction. One of my fellow bloggers raised a point that  “law of attraction” is not a proven universal energy. I believe he has a point, so i omit this in retrospect and leave my hypothesis to this. 

( I have updated on my day 1 blog)  

Thankyou for this @steemlocomotive 

Psychic readings come from one universal energy- Attraction 

So i have been working on this theory for a year or so now making notes, observing and monitoring changes. I needed to do this to evidence any change. (I am also doing a project solely on the law of attraction which is personal to me)

In terms of psychic work, i need to ensure i was working in the right vibrations.  

So here you are a checklist i developed to develop attraction. (Using the law of attraction theory) I have being doing this checklist for a few months religiously, but been working on this for years. Not in a fluffy way i may add. A robust way to complement my personal development business.

The key to attraction is to be positive and believe (i will be commenting more on the theory of this with day 3)


1) Meditate daily for at least 30 days. 

2) Keep an activity journey, it jogs your memory and affirmations. 

3) Wake up every morning and do something positive, straight away. 

4) Feel clean and comfortable- sounds daft i know but not being will enhance negative thoughts about yourself. 

5)  Eat well and balance- Same rule applies as above.  

6) Go out of your way to be nice to someone. 

7) Appreciate the beauty in what you have. Be grateful. 

8) Do something you love daily. 

9) Make time for sleep. 

10) Buy a treat, have a chocolate biscuit, whatever you like, but be responsible ....go on. You deserve it, enjoy're allowed!.    

Have a this for 30 days. This is the amount of time to set a paradigm (belief) in your subconscious.

Just to be clear the reason i am emphasing this is because i need to show a high level of the"attraction process" to research the link, you will understand my methodologies (hopefully) as we go along.

Any comments greatly appreciated.


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