Why I fight to change the world

This article is a response to @dantheman and his post "Why do we fight to change the world?"

"What are we working toward and why does it matter? How do we get there? Should we give up comforts today in pursuit of an illusive utopia that we hope to bring about? These are the questions that need to be answered and understood at a deep level if we actually want to change the world. Will changing the world actually make our life better? Wouldn’t it simply be easier to just make as much money as we can, have as much fun as possible, and take the easiest road? Why bother with anything that could bring unnecessary pain and suffering with little probability of reward?" - Dan Larimer

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy" - Dr Martin Luther King Jr

My Mission in Life

I have spent the last 4 years of my life with the sole intent to benefit a future society with a vision of globalized democracy. I have resisted a certain group of shadow puppeteers with the simplest weapon of all; wisdom. I have fought mentally from within my own place of solitude to combat the ignorance that encumbers the global community. I have fought hatred with enlightenment both within myself and within others. I have contained my own ego within the boundaries of what is and what is not.

My belief is that; peaceful resolution within an inhumane systemic governance is necessary; that when those in power are involved directly and indirectly in totalitarian regimes across the globe they too should be held accountable to the same degree that their own governmental systems hold the people too; that when belligerence is being ascertained through misinformation and blatant deception it is our duty as a race to fight it. My belief is unfathomable to most yet undeniably righteous. I hold these beliefs of grandeur most dear to me for I am willing to die by the hand of my oppressors to see these values conceived on a grander scale.

My mission is dangerous. My very life is tracked and reported upon as I grow. My very existence has become a threat to those that do not wish we succeed beyond the means that they give us. I am caged within a reality that I have somewhat forced upon myself and yet I have never felt so free. I have broken the chains that held me, broken the depressive forces that controlled me, and in turn I have risen from the ashes of a previous complexity as an untouchable phoenix. If I were to die tomorrow the educational value that I have given my brothers and sisters is beyond what I had set out to achieve in the beginning. My wisdom will live on.

An enlightened individual has no fear of loss nor need for more. Their actions are therefore much harder to predict and most economic models cannot fully account for them.

My immediate goals remain unpredictable and selfish to those that do not know that my very existence has become selfless. I have laid out a strategic map that benefits us all. I have created a means to an end that has already been set in motion. I have found freedom within the knowledge that fuels me and inner peace knowing that its ideals can never be stopped. My resistance is a light that shines from within me and grows more pure with every waking hour.

Resistance is key

I have seen first hand that non-violent resistance is possible. I have seen its effects. I have watched eagerly as the global community awakens more and more to the vast knowledge depth available to us in the 21st century. I have enjoyed the enlightenment process that has followed. Enlightenment has become a form of resistance as it protests against the very educational systems that enslave us.

"Revolutions are the locomotives of history" - Karl Marx

I spend my days teaching myself and then teaching others. I do this with the intent to benefit the world. I have seen the belly of the beast and lived within its trenches. I have experienced austerity first hand through poverty. I know what it's like to struggle. Those that do not know this struggle are instead content with the current way things are.

"When you are poor, every thing becomes harder to recover from" - Unknown

When you grow up in a state of poverty you soon realize that everything is further from reach, especially fair and transparent education. If you've lived just above or below the poverty line and have somehow woken from this misguided slumber, then you too have come to the conclusion that your own parents were also enslaved by the same willful ignorance throughout their own youth. We've been living in a facade. The world is a business.

We are taught Acceptance

Instead of being raised with purpose, we are raised with regulation. We are regulated and regimented into a world that gives thanks for things we never ask for. Any tax payer should see this and yet the majority do not. We are regulated and our government is not. We pay the government to lead us in the right direction while the government instead chooses to benefit itself and the lobbyists that undermine it. We have been taught from kindergarten to not worry about what the government does but instead to be fearful of the strangers around us. We have been taught that everyone is a threat except our own government. We are taught that we, ourselves, are a threat. If you do not accept these things as reality then you become an outcast.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" - Dr Martin Luther King Jr

We accept what we are told and deny those that have questions. We accept that; the news informs us; stereotypes matter; laws are justified; sex is sinful; stars are out of reach; totalitarian government is necessary; we accept our place in society. We are unable to question these things out of curiosity and that breeds discontent. Hatred is sometimes spawned and fueled by unanswered questions. We are taught the basis of science and to question everything but taught to accept that some things must never be questioned. Acceptance is a trap.

I do Not Accept this Reality, I choose Resistance

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Ghandi

I am not angry nor am I mad with the current state that things are. I forgive those daily for the mistreatment they perpetrate against others. I feel that their weakness in the decisions they make gives me strength in that I see clearly what is right and what is wrong; that kind of strength is the change I wish to see in the world.

I resist the current state of international affairs between world leaders. I resist the fact that; children are being forced from their homes daily; people are starving; innocent civilians are being bombed while they sleep; designer drugs are destroying our young people. I resist the fact that the world has become a business that thrives off of death and destruction. Capitalism and the greed that it ensues has created a man that only sees his immediate future and fails to see the the rippling wave he sets in motion. Capitalists take without remorse and give nothing in return. Capitalists have monopolized on the pain, suffering and temptations of others. I resist this level of bourgeois rule wholeheartedly.

We live in a time of deceit

The acceptance we are taught is deceptive. We are being misled and misinformed on a daily basis. We are being chastised by ourselves and others. The deceitful nature that has become natural has burdened us with a hatred that is undeniable. A hatred that is manifested and controlled by the same ones who have created it in the first place.

Every person experiences life differently, though for some reason there is such thing as a status quo. If we are each individual in the life that we led then why do most of us follow a herd mentality? If we are truly individual, if our communities are truly individual, then why is it that so many of us choose distractions over ascension? Why is that we strive for accession within the ranks of a hierarchical society instead of an accession through enlightenment? Why do we bind ourselves to what we have been shown instead of looking for what is yet to be found??

We have been deceived into thinking that these questions are null and void and that every thing that is will always be. We are taught to look within the words of a few for the answers whilst disregarding the words of the outcasts. We have been deceived into believing that the truth comes only from those who have status and doctorates to prove it, and that a studied man has more worth than a man with life experience. The deceptive nature of our society is digressive and yet it is ingrained and accepted by the status quo. The biggest deception of the past and present has been the misguidance used by those that lead and the misinformation that is passed on from predecessor to successor. This misinformation and the monopoly that strives because of it, is the reason why I fight.

I Am Free

Through the means of information technology, hard work, and the fact that I am an autodidact, I have been able to free myself from my emancipation. I have liberated myself and others from the tyranny that has deceived us. I have been able to liberate others from hate whilst opening their mind to love. My name alone is a message of love. These are the reasons why I choose to fight and this is how I have chosen to fight; mentally, not physically.

My very purpose on this world has been to spread a message of peace and justice, both of which are hard to come by in a society that has become corrupt at its core. I have freed myself truly. I am enlightened in the fact that I can die at any point and time with a smile on my face knowing that I have not only found the real meaning of life and its quest for knowledge but that I have helped others in finding the same path. My current mission in life is merely the byproduct of my thirst for knowledge. A thirst that has now been quenched.

Only through knowledge can we find our purpose.

"The purpose of life is a life with a purpose, so I'd rather fight for a cause than live a life that is worthless" - Immortal Technique

Written by,

Thomas Te Aroha Kohi (Thomas The Love Collector)
Teekay the Sensei (@senseiteekay)

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