Questions about Instinct~ revised

Do you ever get where you have so many words floating around in your head but none filter out making any sense?

I think everything that happens to a person has meaning. Some things that happen to a person teach them a life lesson they need to know now or later in their life in order to help them deal with what life will be throwing at you

Do you ever try and just write in hopes when done some kind of answer will appear in front of you, the light bulb will go off! BAM! Making all clear and orderly once more?

As a person, you are always learning new things. If you spend the day alone this teaches you how to deal with being by yourself. Some people love to be lone, some not so much. The point is you are learning something that I feel you will need to know at some point in your future.

Do you ever have days where you try doing something you have done hundreds of time before but now find yourself lost trying to start it?

I also believe that some days you are the one teaching someone else a life lesson. I don't think people realize how much they learn and teach others on a daily bases.

Do you ever look around thinking how did I get here? What strange circumstances brought me to this place?

The cranky, crabby, smelly person you walk by teaches you something.

Did you ever have a head full of thoughts that all came out as questions? Questions you keep writing in hopes that soon things will become clear why your head is filled with all these vague questions but not one darn answer?

If you look up the word vague it says: not clearly stated, described, or explained, or not clearly seen or felt:

I'm going to have to go with 'not clearly seen' for how I'm feeling right now.

The question becomes are you making sure you keep yourself open to all the learning that is being shown you every day?

Are you saving up the laughs and smiles in your memory banks so you can pull them out, look at them when your world is dark and you need some form of light to help you make it through your day?

Over your lifetime you are being taught all the skills you and you alone will need to survive in your world. You do have to be open to looking within yourself, trusting in yourself, that you have learned from each day how to cope with the newest things life has now thrown at you.

What it comes down to is learning that each thing that happens to you is for a reason. Learning from your life each day, whether it be by writing a journal or as simple as taking one minute to remember your day, what sticks out in your mind the most from the day you just had.

I don't think it matters where you do your end of the day thinking. You can do it laying in bed with your eyes closed as long as you do it. If you get into the habit of taking a mental note of the first things that pop into your head when thinking about your day you will store in your brain what you learned for a time when it is needed.


A simple version goes something like this.

For the sake of simplicity, you are not allergic to wasp stings.

You get stung by a wasp. You start to swell up.

You remember a funny story someone told you a while ago about getting stung by a wasp. How they went about relieving pain from getting bitten by taking baking soda, making a paste out of it, plastering it all over their face, then walking around outside scaring all their neighbors.

In a matter of seconds, you run into the house looking for the baking soda as fast as you can!

You can Google.

While Google has many answers, if you know the correct wording on how to search for what you are looking for, it takes time.

Save time by trusting in yourself and the knowledge you have learned over the years.

Instinct and learning to trust your instinct.

Are we missing out on remembering all our life lessons because of things like Google?

Just my thoughts for today.....



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