Sittin' Up with the Dead Blog - Post 016 - Loophole Four - The Nuclear Option

Bible sanctioned excuses for ignoring rogue governments. 

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; 
and unto God the things that are God's."     
-- Jesus Christ, Matthew 22:21

Shirley Reb:  I call this verse, The Nuclear Option:  If you can't keep the government from taking it, give it to God!"

Dead Ringer:  Shirley, you jest!

Shirley Reb:  Surely not.  What if Jesus was being supernaturally clever?  He knew everything was God's, but by stating His answer this way His enemies thought he was supporting Caesar thereby not giving them anything they could use to attack.  This bought Him a little time until He had finished His ministry and was ready to give Himself up

Dead Ringer:  Well, that's a two edged sword, you know.  If you're going to say that, you have to admit that you, yourself, own nothing

Shirley Reb:  Yeah, I knew you were going to say that.  That's why I called it The Nuclear Option.  

Dead Ringer:  But is that all bad?  What if it turns out that is exactly the attitude the Lord expects us to take? Could you live with the idea that all that you have belongs to God?  That the whole idea of "inalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" was a false premise?  What if we are put on this earth to serve God, not pursue happiness?  What if "the chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever?"  What if serving God was the only true Way to pursue Happiness?  

What if the only reason you needed Life and Liberty was to serve God effectively? 

Shirley  Reb:  Uh, then I could deny it to the government as long as I didn't keep it for myself?

Dead Ringer:  Exactly!  That's actually the law (for now).  Giving God what is God's is tax deductible!

Shirley  Reb:  Oh, so now we're in "Go and sell all that you have and give it to the poor" mode?

Dead Ringer:  Well, I guess that would work -- if the tax enforcers believed it.  But is that the best way to use the resources the Lord has given you? Turn right around and give them away?  Remember the Parable of the Talents?

Shirley  Reb:  Yeah.  I guess simply giving the Lord all of His money back in the collection plate could be construed as what the "unprofitable servant" with only one talent did -- he didn't make out so good with that approach...

Dead Ringer:  Exactly!  If we are to assume that we are to use the resources the Lord has given us to "return a yield", 30, 60 or a 100 fold, how does that change our view of giving it all away or rendering over half of it to Caesar?

Shirley Reb:  You're gonna make me wait until the next post for that aren't you?

Dead Ringer:  Shirley, not!  The loophole is clear.  Any government law that infringes on your ability to “return a yield” for the Lord brings us right back to what Peter and John said to the Sanhedrin in Acts 4:

Judge for yourselves whether it is better to obey God or men…

Shirley Reb:  So you’re saying this gives me a morally unimpeachable way to reject rendering to Caesar the things of God!

Dead Ringer:  As long as you make sure you actually render them to God.

Shirley  Reb:  But, but, but, how does that allow me to keep what is rightfully mine when an overreaching government tries to steal or coerce, abusing their God-given monopoly on force?

Dead Ringer:  Who said anything about anything being rightfully yours?  :o)

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