The Constant Increase

Onwards and upwards!

Graph Of Progress
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There is no shortage of forward and upward pressures to life.

The are some natural progressions such as our aging process.

Our physical growth overtime from childhood until we peak.

The constant march of time.

Along with these, there are idioms and sayings to keep us on track; “Onwards and upwards!”; “If you're not moving forward you're moving backwards”; “Go for it now. The future is promised to no one”; “Fall seven times, stand up eight”; and I could keep going…

But is life always this way?

In math school you may have come across the following description quadrants on a coordinate plane as shown below:

“Any of the 4 areas made when we divide up a plane by an x and y axis (as shown).

They are usually numbered I, II, III and IV.


Math Quadrants
Image Source

Big deal?

When looking at the first image about success and the onward and upward pressures of life we are always looking at the top right quadrant (I).

My question is: Is it reasonable to expect life to only exist here and to always be moving in the direction of up and to the right?

Does life not have it’s twist and turns? Parabolas, sine waves, and x^3’s?

I’ve read that in Western thinking we tend to be linear and not cyclical.

Has this left us unable to view life in a different, perhaps more beautiful way?

Our clocks are round and our season are in cycles.

But our progress must never be.

Onwards and upwards!

No room for anything else.

Tune in next time for more great content!


Created by Michael Paine

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