An artificially described perfect world

Just for a little bit of fun tonight, a hypothetical and lots of questions.

Imagine if there was an artificial general intelligence supercomputer created and it had been developed and tested and was proven in all the things it required but, had never had any information given to it. No directions other than to describe the perfect global society in which human suffering was minimized and enjoyment maximized for as many as possible. There are holes in here so close them for the exercise or make a suitable mental picture that works for you.

Now, it is released into the world to learn how to do this. It scours all of the ideologies, all of the religious texts, it pours through psychological research, medical, habits, social media conversations and all information it can possible gather to find a solution to describe the perfect life for us that we can live by.

What would it describe? Would it pick one particular doctrine and say, follow this and all will be okay? Will it create an amalgamation of many? With all of the data it has accessed and parsed through its superhuman processing power, millions of simulations and its objective view of the problem, will it create its own?

Is it possible that a machine could create a religion for humans to follow that would more closely satisfy the needs of everyone? Would the new religion factor in environmental care, emotional well being, resource distribution, life meaning and purpose? Would a machine be able to know what we want as a whole better than us as individuals?

If it did create this set of rules, would human populations accept and adopt it or would they rebel against the dictation from a machine? What if it was able to see our lives and counsel us on possible pathways that are most suited to our experience, physical attributes, emotion status and other influencing factors? Would you listen to career advice from a supercomputer?

It would have to assess what kind of governance would be best suited to manage the system. Would it look at all of the data and suggest solutions to financial issues? Would it change the tax system, would there be one?

From all of the history it can obtain and process, would it be able to weigh in on human arguments about abortion, gender politics or stem cell research?

Would it be able to better organize education systems that maximize the potential of our children, reduce conflicts and disparity between classes and end bigotry? would it be able to provide support to parents on how to better raise children?

I wonder what a perfect world for humans described by a supercomputer would look like, how it would function. In time would it make the world a more creative beautiful place that maximizes human opportunity and potential, or would it become an authoritarian, centralized system that will eventually lead to metaphorical enslavement for all things that make us human?

I am going to leave this open to see if anyone wants to comment and add more questions or theorize some potential results of such an exercise. There are obviously loopholes and assumptions in here so a little suspension of disbelief is required. Even if you don't answer, I wonder what you may think. Do you think the supercomputer will choose to implement your current ideas on what a perfect world would look like, or is the view too limited?

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