When Concerning Steemit, I've Come To Realize ... I'm Too Old For This

I'm Too Old For This

You youngin's holding onto your new age Eckhart Tolle "live in the now" Aleister Crowley regurgitated belief systems and rah rah sycophant always positive philosophies (so long as the handouts are still being raked in), all while rewarding, if not exalting, people with a complete disregard for human decency amaze me and give me pause to think ... what in the $@#! happened to this world?!

Back In My Day

During my heyday, people were able to speak their mind, so long as they did so with respect and allowed others to voice their opinion as well. Everyone was different, and that's what made each individual interesting. Nowadays, it seems most people just want to be like everyone else and fit in. Don't rock the boat, else you won't get your reward! It's like being in a Kindergarten class full of 20-30 somethings.

This younger generation seems to worry more about figuring out how to make themselves into a Gawd, while at the same time arguing over which psychopathic authoritarian they are going to vote for as their supreme leader. They do more thinking about who to vote for to control their lives than they do how they are going to survive on their own for the next 40 years or more.

Which one of these "leaders" (and I must quote that) is going to do more for me, seems to be the biggest question of younger generations. While at the same time they hold onto the belief that everything was created just for them and everyone else is merely a part of them; their own personal sock puppets of pleasure who must reward them when they do something they consider to be worthwhile.

Vaporware Is Skeery

One of my biggest disappointments in this community came when @stellabelle, the person with the highest reputation on the site, made a post about an announced feature she liked in another decentralized blogging platform that doesn't even exist.

The horror!

Many were quick to point out that the other platform was "vaporware", yet felt so threatened by her post about this "vaporware" that they created fictional stories to apparently discredit her. Others jumped on the bandwagon at every chance in the comments section. For what? For pointing out an announced feature in "vaporware"? Some even called this apparent "vaporware" a "competitor"!?

Faith No More

This says a lot about the faith these people actually have in Steemit. The fact that a piece of "vaporware" can be considered a "competitor" to Steemit, along with the fact that these people feel threatened by this "vaporware" would make Leon Festinger roll over in his grave; because he's dead ... just like this generations ability to debate on a topic without their favorite psychology book in front of them to fashion a response from someone else's thoughts.

We even have one of the largest whales on Steemit flagging comments that dare mention a non-existent "competitor" or anyone saying anything that, in their mind, is considered "divisive" to the community. A flag from this person will all but hide a comment from anyone's view without seeking it out at the bottom of the page.

In Muh Safe Space

So much for being a place to discuss anything openly. And yet, people here complain about Facebook and Reddit, yet I can mention Facebook all day on Reddit, and vice versa, and never have to worry that my comment will be hidden by a single individual. Even worse, Facebook and Reddit are some of the most censored platforms in existence.

Put that in your hash pipe and smoke it!

Some here are taking it upon themselves to create a safe space for everyone else, because apparently the competition from these non-existent platforms is so strong we must hide their non-existent features very mention from the fragile masses. Back in my day, there was a saying ... "competition is good", but apparently that's no longer the case.

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Here on Steemit, it's hard to find anyone that appreciates sports, guns, hunting, cars or anything that my generation considers to be laced with testosterone. Sure I find computer/programming talk interesting, but it's rare these days to find people online that can talk the 4 basic man groups as well. I've found a few, but for the most part they are hiding within the Steemit caves of obscurity.

Steemit advertises that "original content" is rewarded, yet anyone that can speak in great detail on any of those 4 basic man groups will rarely, if ever, be rewarded for doing so. There are a few of these well written articles on these topics here on Steemit, but you will be hard pressed to find one earning more than $5. Why Is that?

I'll tell you why ... because Steemit, for the most part, is lacking testosterone.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

What Grinds My Gears

You know what really grinds my gears? Steemit. Steemit really grinds my gears. Why? Because I'm too old for this shit! And for that reason, this will be my last post on Steemit. I will be relinquishing my posting key access for this account and leave it to the younger generation of Tuck Fheman's, so they can post happy thoughts about all things Steemit and be rewarded untold fortunes for doing so. I am just holding them back.

I did my best to be a part of this generations next big thing, but generation Steemit is just too namby-pamby for this old codger.

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