WARNING - Phishing Scams are Back!

If you receive a comment or otherwise message with a link in it, DO NOT click the link.

The link is not a real Steemit link and will take you to a website that is designed to steal your information.

Yesterday @johngreenfield posted a warning about the pictured @soniia account. This account was also discovered by @noctisk who posted a warning in Korean.

Another user, @the-reaper, found a different account with a similar tactic.

Mouse over all links and examine them carefully prior to clicking.

Private Posting Key

Using your private posting key instead of your password will keep your account safe. It will ensure that even should someone get your key, they will not be able to take your money or lock you out of your account.

To get your private posting key go to Wallet --> Permissions --> Show Private Key (the key will be revealed)

Recover Your Account

If your account has been compromised and you can no longer log in with your password, you will need to recover the account immediately. Fill out the following form and wait for the Steemit Inc team to do their magic: (may take up to 24 hours)


See a Phishing Account?

Report it to @steemcleaners and other community members at https://steemit.chat/channel/steemitabuse and we will flag the account to hide its comments.

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