Sometimes the best way to get to know someone is through what they create

My first Post

Hi all. I'm quite new to Steemit. I discovered it through someone tweeting about it on my feed.

I don't like talking about myself too much and part of this is because I have had some serious health problems which have resulted in me losing some of my self confidence.

I like taking photographs as a hobby. I haven't been able to do it as much as I would like due to my health but it has helped to keep me sane.

I have also been following cryptocurrencies/bitcoin as I find the whole concept of new types of currency fascinating and that helped to bring me here:

Here is one of my photos:

I called it "Venus" and the model is the lovely Rachelle Summers. I wanted to capture the feel of a classical painting in a natural light portrait.

I'm still uncertain about formatting and resizing posts here so apologies for the size and it not being centered. Anyway I have more if people would like to see them.


Arif (Cryptofiend).

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