A number of Mosque construction project workers completed the construction of the dome at the Attaqarub Mosque in Pidie Jaya district, Aceh province, Indonesia. This Mosque is one of the buildings that collapsed during the earthquake that hit Pidie Jaya district in December 2016 ago.
Now the construction of the Mosque has been completed, the surrounding residents began to use the Mosque to perform worship during the holy month of Ramadan. This picture is the final stage of completion of the Mosque construction that has been going on since early 2017.
The design of this Mosque is made the same as the previous mosque architecture, but this is a bit more in the modern with a more minimalist architecture.
Photo and text by : @zikmaulana
1/250s; f/7.1; 90mm; ISO 100
1/250s; f/7.1; 120mm; ISO 100
1/250s; f/7.1; 50mm; ISO 100
All This Photo Taken With :
Camera : Canon EOS 60D
Lens : EF-S18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Photograph : @zikmaulana