This is my Eshu. He is a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog and named after the African Trickster God Eshu.
He is a wolfdog, partly wolf and partly dog (some are too much dog to my opinion).
The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is bred from the German Shepherd dog and Carpathian wolf. It is a very healthy, strong and loyal dog.
They have high endurance and are smart (although Eshu loves to play dumb/trickster).
The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is tough to train, but Esuh can sit by now (3 years later) on command and is easier to handle. He is simply not really motivated to learn anything I guess.
He can easily jump 2 meters high and is great in climbing (upon walls as well).
Eshu (Esu, Esuh) is the trickster God of Opportunity, Communication and Instant Messaging.
The name fits him for sure. He always sees opportunities to do as he likes and is a crying wolf for sure. Always the first who starts and he can even bark!
Like to know more about me? Please read my other posts.
If life is not a fairy tale - Sara Baartman