Golden Moonrise

This beautiful event is incredibly difficult to photograph. The moon rises in a different location every day, it only pauses for a day or two at the end of its cycle relative to its North or South axis. Because it rises behind the rock formation its hard to predict the right viewpoint to catch it in the middle of the chasm. If it does appear in the middle zone there's only minutes to change your viewpoint. If its off to the right or left its hidden until it appears over the top at which time its to late. I have only achieved this a few times after a dozen or more rigorous attempts spanning many years. The timing of the sunset relative to the illumination of Cathedral Rock is a critic variable to overall success and one must rely on chance. This opportunity only presents itself a couple times a year. Clouds in front of the sun can easily ruin the show. I am grateful for the achievement.

#109 golden moonrise lab 4x6.jpg

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