Kodak Ektar 100 for Landscape Photography

I took the photos below with my 1970's Pentax KX and a roll of Ektar 100. I rated the film at box speed and metered for the shadows using the camera's built in light meter. These photos are from the same day as an early post: Morning Stillness in the Mountains taken on my way to the lake. The richness of the greens and heavy contrast look amazing for a color negative film, and I'm really happy with the scans I received back from Indie Film Lab. These photos were taken just before 6:00 am while the air was till cool, and the fog was laying low.





On my recent trip to the Olympic Peninsula, I shot a roll of Ektar 100 metered at 400 that I'll push two stops in development. The weather was foggy, and the colors were muted for most of frames I shot, and I've seen some really cool results when pushing Ektar in those conditions so I'm excited to see how it turns out. I'll be sure to share some of them on here once I receive the scans.

I'm also nearing my 30th day on Steemit and am planning to write a short summary containing my initial thoughts about this platform, my achievements, and what my plan is going forward, so be looking forward to that on April 10th!

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