Point Reyes National Seashore | California


California Dreaming

This composition is not original with me, and there's a chance you've seen this tree a dozen times. However, this trip was a first for me, both being at the actual location (Point Reyes) but also one of my first times seeing an Instagram Famous location. It was a strange, almost surreal experience, seeing this scene in person after seeing it dozens of times on someone else's feed. It was pretty interesting putting this scene into context with the landscape around it. As photographers we are very selective about what is included or excluded from our compositions. Because I have seen this shot so many times, it was fun to go home and look up this location on Instagram and see how other photographers have photographed this same scene from different angles our directions. Small adjustments to the left and right, focal length, or physical closeness to this tree have a big impact on the final look and feel of the image.

If you ever get the chance, look up Point Reyes when you're in the San Francisco area, and give this National Seashore a visit. It's a beautiful place, and for good reason is photographed and shared often.

Shot with a Canon 6D and edited in Lightroom.

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