Basic Post Processing in Photoshop

It's been a few days since my last article here. I was quite busy working on new vlogs and didn't have much time to write. But today I want to share with you some post processing tutorials, which I recorded over the last years.

For those of you who know my photos, it shouldn't be a surprise that I like to edit them. I use Photoshop quite frequently and over the last 10 years I spent a lot of time developing my post processing style and workflow.

Sunset at Whisky Bay in Australia

The tutorials I share in this article are kind of an introduction to working efficiently in Photoshop and on using masks. If, after watching those, you want to dive in deeper and learn all my tricks, you can check my more in depth tutorials.

Keyboard Shortcuts in Photoshop

Keyboard shortcuts are essential for a fluid workflow in Photoshop. In this video I show the shortcuts I use the most.

How to create advanced masks in Photoshop

In this tutorial I lay out the foundation for my creative post processing. I use masks a lot in Photoshop and here I show a set of my most commonly used masks, including hard edge masks, Luminosity Masks and a more targeted Luminosity Mask.

How to use masks in Photoshop

After knowing how to create certain masks, it's even more important to know how to use them. In this video I show some use cases.

How to Dodge and Burn

In this video I show you how I do doge and burn, which is an essential technique I use a lot in my post processing. You'll also see me using it in my other tutorials. I also show you how I use Lumenzia in the process here.

Exposure Blending

Building upon the previous videos, in this tutorial I show you how to do exposure blending using Luminosity Masks.

Recommended Plugins

I use a set of plugins in my workflow, which I also want to share with you:

  • Although I explained how to create Luminosity Masks in Photoshop above, the use of a plugin to create those can massively speedup your workflow. In the past years I've been using the TK Actions Panel a lot and it's also featured in many of my tutorials.
  • A recent discovery was the Lumenzia Plugin* by Greg Benz. It's my new preferred tool for mask creation in Photoshop and it will be featured in upcomming tutorials.
  • My absolute favourite set of Plugins was recently acquired by DXO and it is currently completely free - The Nik Plugin Collection.
  • To sharpen my photos for the web I use another free plugin, the Web Sharpener by Andreas Resch.

Now you should have a good foundation to continue with my more advanced tutorials. But I'll also drop in an article with a free tutorial in here from time to time. So make sure to follow me.

Michael Breitung Photography

* This is an Affiliate-Link. If you use it to buy Lumenzia, I'll get a commission.

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