Art on the Highline - Mutations Post 2

Art on the Highline - Mutations Post 2

This post continues on from my post number 1 on the Mutations exhibit on the Highline Park

The Highline is an almost 1.5 Mile long elevated walking park in NYC built on what was in the past the New York Central Railway Spur on the west Side of Manhattan.

I do have some shots of the views from the Highline but for this post I will focus on some of the art on the Highline which changes from time to time. And is often so interesting to see as well as the beautiful landscaping and views from the Highline

Highline Mutations-10.jpg

Sony A6500 22mm F5.6 1/100 ISO 400
Click here to view larger

The Next piece I share above is a shot of artist Marguerite Humea’s Sphix Joachim, which is described as a winged lion that apparently is the protect thesite from potential enemies

Highline Mutations-12.jpg

Sony A6500 29mm F5.6 1/13 ISO 1000
Click here to view larger

These pair of shoes are a piece entitled Giantess by artist Sascha Braunig renowned for her highly sculptural paintings, this piece which I have seen described as footwear to suit a witch

Highline Mutations-13.jpg

*Sony A6500 16mm F3.5 1/60 ISO 250
Click here to view larger

And above we have a piece called The Floaters and is by Henry Taylor, this piece is a self portrait of himself and a friend blissed out and relaxing in a pool.

Highline Mutations-14.jpg

Sony A6500 22mm F5.6 1/25 ISO 640
Click here to view larger

And the piece above is by Joanna Malinowska and C.T. Jasper and is part of a piece called The Emperor's Canary,I say a part of as this piece is more than just visual and consists of two of these Gramophone like things which play recorded sounds from the great Pacific Garbage Patch Andor a person breathing with black lung disease, it's one for sure which a photo does not to justice and one would have to experience it in person to feel the full effect

Incase like me your not sure what the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is its an area in the Pacific Ocean where tides have taken and dropped a lot of garbage dropped off ships transversing the ocean.

These two posts just showcase a few of the pieces in the Mutations exhibit, when I visited there one morning the light wasn't ideal and I only had limited time before racing to work so I could get shots of them all, I do have more shots on and looking down from the Highline which I will share in future posts

I do have some shots of the actual highline and some of the views that I need to work on, but today I have been on my feet a\all day apart from the time on the train and I am dog tired so going to jump on the recliner put my feet up and chill this evening, catch you all tomorrow

Unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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