Fairy Garden - Tasmanian Dreaming


Hey Friends! How are you tonight? Have you ever felt so connected to a land that your heart still belongs there even if your life doesnt belong there anymore?

I grew up in Tasmania, moving to Adelaide 10 years ago to marry my love. I didn’t miss Tasmania for years but as time grows, so does the ache in my heart. Our beautiful network of friends and support is here but oh how my soul knows that my land and my culture is in Tassie. The people, the landscape, the wood fires and polar fleece head warmers, the wilderness, the markets, the wine and cheese, the tree-hugging-thermal-wearing goodness of it all.


I miss the mountains and the snow, the harshness of the sun and the heaviness of the rain, the hiking boots and hippie pants, the clean air and pure water.

But I also miss family. I took these photos in January in my cousin’s garden...her veggie, fruit and fairy garden on her 23acres of wilderness. I look at these photos and let the nostalgia flow. The berry-picking, the geese, the smell of rainforest and the bitter cold nights (yes even in January!). These photos remind me of a love that I know will always be there for me when I visit and if I ever return to my land.



So as I sip my matcha chai tea and reminisce I can also be thankful for my roots and my connection. I am thankful that I can bring a bit of Tassie into my Adelaide home and fill my house and garden with little treasures and memories. I can turn my own garden into a little piece of paradise and my kitchen into the warming heart of the home.

Thankyou Tassie for all your goodness and thankYOU for reading 😁

Jessi 🍂

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