Al Tech Spillway - West River Drive - Stevens Point, WI

The Al Tech Spillway is a low-head dam.
Low-head dams are a man-made obstruction typically built within a river or stream channel, and spanning from bank to bank.

There are many varieties of low-head dams on streams and rivers, they generally:

  • have water flowing across the entire length of the top of the dam
  • are from 1 to about 15 feet tall
  • store a minimal amount of water below the stream bank level
  • do not typically provide flood reduction storage.

These dangerous dams are known as "drowning machines." They are especially dangerous to individuals who recreate near them. Boaters can mistake them for tranquil and inviting water, however, even moderate flows over such dams create strong underwater circulating drafts that can push victims underwater.

Years ago we used to park here and attempt to drive golf balls across the river at this spillway. Recently I stopped and had lunch here, enjoying the view and a few photo's. ~ Paradise Found

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