Hong Kong Snapshot (1) – St. Mary Church and Space Invaders, French famous urban artist 香港隨拍(1) – 聖馬利亞堂及法國街頭藝術家Space Invaders


Hello All this is Aaron Li from Hong Kong. I like my city and I am learning photography. So, I wish to share some of my snapshot in Hong Kong, and tell you story of the photos.

Canon 70D, shutter speed 1/60, f stop 8.0, ISO 320

This photo was taken at the terrace of my office. The two buildings in the photos belong to the St. Mary’s Church. Every time when I finish a work or a task, I go to the terrace and take a look at these two buildings. Although I do not have religious belief, I feel relax when looking at the two building and feeling the peace around the street.


The only two HK church with fusion of Chinese and Wertern

這張照片內有兩個特寫,第一是右邊的建築物 – 香港聖公會聖馬利亞堂。聖馬利亞堂建於1911,至今已超過100年歷史,它的特點是糅合了中國傳統特色及西方傳統教堂的建築風格,現今在香港這種中西合璧建築風格的教堂只餘下兩座。於1999年聖馬利亞堂被香港政府列為香港一級歷史建築,現時香港只有共170幢一級歷史建築,可見聖馬利亞堂的歷史意義。
There are two special things in the picture. The first one is the building in the right – the St. Mary Church. The St. Mary Church was built in 1911. The characteristic of the church is its special architecture style of the fusing of traditional Chinese building and the western church. There are now only two churches of this style in Hong Kong. In 1999, St. Mary church was selected as the “Grade 1 historic buildings” in Hong Kong. There are now only 170 buildings with this title in Hong Kong. So we may see the historic meaning of St. Mary Church.

Front of St. Mary Church, with the design of Chinese traditional royal court. Photo source: Wikipedia

Space Invaders

這作品是香港極少數仍然留存的Space Invaders作品
This is one of few Space Invaders work still remained in HK

這張照片的第二個特寫就是左邊建築物牆身的一個馬賽克塗鴉作品。這作品來自法國巴黎極著名的街頭藝術家Space Invaders,Space invaders的創作靈感來自經典電子遊戲《Space Invaders》,並在世界60多個城市街頭留下無數的塗鴉作品。據稱在跑馬地一幅向李小龍致敬的作品《別名:香港第58號》,單單是複製品的估值已達100至150萬港元!
The second thing is the mosaic graffiti art on the wall of the left side building. This graffiti was created by Paris’s famous urban artist – Space Invaders. The idea of Space Invaders’ creation comes from the 1978 arcade game Space Invaders. Space Invaders left his works over 60 cities in the world. One of his work, HK_58, which pay respect to HK movie star Bruce Lee, has the valuation of 1M to 1.5M HK dollars.

HK_58, which had been erased by the HK Government. Photo source: HKET

香港是一個幸運的城市,因為香港是中國唯一一個城市擁有Space Invaders的作品。可惜的是,香港政府完全沒有重視街頭藝術的心態。Space Invaders曾經3次來港留下他的塗鴉作品,但在他第3次到港送上48幅新作後,香港政府在不到一個月的時間將他9成的著作鏟除!這或許就是,香港的藝術一直不能得到發展,也沒有出過一些國際知名藝術家的原因。Space Invaders 得知他的作品被鏟除後,只留下一句:「Hong Kong Government Bad Taste!」
Hong Kong is a lucky city as Hong Kong is the only city who has the works of Space Invaders in China. Unfortunately, the Hong Kong Government do not pay attention to these art creations. Space Invaders came HK three time and left a lot of his works. But in 2004, after Space Invaders left his new 48 works, the HK government erased over 90% of Space Invaders’ art works. This may be the reason why Art cannot be developed in Hong Kong and there is still no famous Hong Kong artist going to the international.

有趣的是,Space Invaders在老家巴黎的大部份作品同樣失去蹤影,但原因卻是因為被愛好者及炒家偷走。而更有趣的是,在2015年,Space Invaders獲香港私人組織邀請到港舉行展覽,展覽更命名為《Wipe Out》,狠狠的諷刺香港政府。
The interesting thing is, art works of Space Invaders also disappeared in Paris, but the reason is just because they were stolen by Space Invaders’ lover and speculation. And more interesting is, in 2015, Space Invaders was invited by a HK commercial group to open his exhibition. The exhibition was named as Wipe Out, which is very ironic.

Space Invaders作品《別名:香港第59號》的孿生作,於2015年進行拍賣,是世界拍賣品中最大幅的Space Invaders作品,最終以268萬港元成交。順帶一提,當初香港政府的鏟除行動,《別名:香港第59號》正是最早被鏟除的作品。
A twin work of HK_59, was in auction in 2015. It is the world biggest work of Space Invaders in auction with the final price $2.68M HK dollars. By the way, HK_59 was the very first target during the wipe out action of HK Government.

HK_59, which had been erased by the HK Government. Photo source: HKET

Space Invaders至今從未以真面相示人,他在世界各地進行這些作品的原因,純粹是希望世人能夠在街頭就能發現藝術,而不是要到藝術館。而他在香港的一個訪問表示,他其中一個願望,就是能做一件香港政府可以明白,並且永遠不會清理的作品。
Space Invaders never show his face. The reason of him making those art work in the world is just because he wants everyone to discover art in the street, but not only the museum. In an interview with the HK press, he told that he has a wish: “I want to make a creation that the HK Government understands, and will never clear it out.”

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