Hong Kong Snapshot (7) – Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong and Leslie Cheung – One of the greatest Chinese actor and singer at all time 香港隨拍(7) – 香港文華東方酒店及張國榮 – 華人史上最偉大的演唱及歌手之一

Central of Hong Kong is really a good place. I took 3x photos in a short Central trip which provide me 3x topic of my “Hong Kong Snapshot” Series. Today, I will talk about the Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong.

香港文華東方酒店 Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong. Camera: Sony A6000

我相信很多朋友都聽過文華東方酒店,甚至曾經入住,香港文華東方酒店正是文華東方集團的第一所酒店。香港文華東方酒店建於1963年,至今一直充滿著高貴的英式東方貴族氣息,是世界第一流的酒店,酒店由著名電影《桂河橋》的美術指導Donald M. Ashton設計,在奢華的同時,更感到一份高貴。
I believe many of you have heard about Mandarin Oriental(MO). Some may have even experienced it.MO Hong Kong is the first hotel of the MO Group.Mo Hong Kong was built in 1963, full of the atmosphere of the noble British and Oriental mixing together. Mo Hong Kong was designed by Donald M. Ashton, Production Designer of the film “The bridge on the River Kwai”.

香港文華東方酒店大堂 (照片來源: TripAdvisor)
Lobby of MO Hong Kong (Source: TripAdvisor)

晚上的香港文華東方酒店 (照片來源:官網)
MO Hong Kong at night (Source: official website)

香港文華東方酒店曾創下多項紀錄,包括當年全港最高的大廈,和亞洲第一間於每間客房設置浴缸及直播電話的酒店,這在1963年是不能想像的事情。然而香港文華東方酒店的榮耀不在於它的華美,更是因為它的服務。由你下車的一刻,數名員工會幫你開車、帶你上房、Check In、推行李、全套服務在當年的香港酒店業也是一項創舉。
Mo Hong Kong broke a number of records including the highest building of Hong Kong, the first hotel in Asia have Bathtub and direct dial phone in all rooms. You can’t imagine such things happening in 1963. The glory of MO Hong Kong is also from its service. When you got off the car, a team came to you, opened the door for you, checked in for you, moved the luggage, brought you to the room. It is the first hotel doing this in Hong Kong.

酒店內的M Bar (照片來源: TripAdvisor)
M Bar in Mo Hong Kong (Source: TripAdvisor)

與香港夜景一起沐浴 Bath with HK night view! (Source: official website)

Many World Class celebrities were the guests of MO Hong Kong, including Princess Diana, The Baroness Thatcher, USA President Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, George H. W. Bush, Tom Cruise, Kevin Costner, Yo-Yo Ma, etc. Before 1997, Governor of Hong Kong dined at MO Hong Kong on the second Friday every month. After 1997, the Chief Executive of HK did the same.

歡迎來到香港文華東方 Welcome to Mo Hong Kong (Source: TripAdvisor)

Today, The MO Group owns 29 hotels over the world, with 16 Michelin Restaurant, 13 5-stars SPA center, which is also a world record. Every Hong Kong people is proud of the MO group which started the business in Hong Kong.

米芝蓮二星餐廳PIERRE,可盡覽維港景色 (照片來源:官網)
PIERRE – Michelin 2 stars’ restaurant, with the view of the Victoria Sea. (Source: Official Website)

文華東方擁有無數粉絲,他們被稱為「Fan of MO」,與文華東方的標記Fan聯繫起來,後來文華東方開始「名人愛好者」系列廣告,由著名攝影師,Paul McCartney的女兒Mary McCartney操刀,為每一位「名人愛好者」拍攝廣告。至今,已有29位世界名人加入「名人愛好者」,他們全都將代言收益捐贈慈善機構。每位名人都自由選擇在酒店內自己最喜歡的地方拍攝,親自訴說著如何被文華東方的魅力征服。
The lovers of MO are called “Fan of MO”, which connects the symbol of MO, the fan. After 2000 MO started the advertising series of “Celebrity Fans”, The series is shoot by famous photographer Mary McCartney, daughter of Paul McCartney. Up till now, there are 29 world class celebrities are invited to the series. They are allowed to choose everywhere in the hotels for the shooting, show how the MO attract them. All the income of the celebrities is donated to charity group.

文華東方的標誌 Symbol of MO (Source: official website)

摩根費曼 Morgan Freeman (Source: official website)

張曼玉 Maggie Cheung (Source: official website)

Bryan Ferry (Source: official website)

陳坤 Aloys Chen (Source: official website)

VIVIENNE TAM (Source: official website)

Since the 1st April 2003, MO Hong Kong became the focus of every Chinese in the world because of a man, Leslie Cheung.


Before you go on, if possible, I wish you may open the YouTube video below. It is my most favorite song of Leslie Cheung. (Friends in mainland can click the Tencent video)

(Unsupported https://v.qq.com/iframe/player.html?vid=y0387klhxfm&tiny=0&auto=0)


He is one of the best Chinese Actors and Singers.
He won the best Chinese actors three times.
His film “Farewell My Concubine” won the Palme d’Or in Cannes Film Festival.
He was nominated as best male actor 4 times in Berlinale, Festival de Cannes and Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica di Venezia.
He is one of the “Ten most influential male actors in the history of China Movie”
He is “the most popular male actor in the last Hundred year of China Movie”
He is one of the “Asia's 25 Greatest Actors of All Time” by CNN.
He is one of the “20 Most famous singers/bands in the world over the last 50 years” by CNN.
He was voted the third "Most Iconic Musicians of All Time" (after Michael Jackson and The Beatles).
He is Leslie Cheung.


2003年4月1日,張國榮於香港文華東方酒店的24樓墜樓身亡,死時只有46歲,震驚全球華人。他死前沒有告訴任何人,只留下寥寥數十字的遺書:「 Depression(沮喪、抑鬱)。多謝各位朋友,多謝麥列菲菲教授。呢一年來很辛苦,不能再忍受,多謝唐先生,多謝家人,多謝肥姐。我一生冇做壞事,為何這樣?」
On the 1st April 2003, Leslie Cheung leapt from the 24th floor of the MO Hong Kong and every Chinese in the world were shocked. He was only 46-year-old. What he left was only a few words from his suicide note (translation): "Depression! Many thanks to all my friends. Many thanks to Professor Felice Lieh-Mak (麥列菲菲) (Cheung's last psychiatrist). This year has been so tough. I can't stand it anymore. Many thanks to Mr. Tong. Many thanks to my family. Many thanks to Sister Fei (沈殿霞). In my life I have done nothing bad. Why does it have to be like this?"

再見,程蝶衣 Goodbye, Leslie (Source: film shot)

Although HK was under the risk of infection from SARS in 2003, over 50000 people from all over the world attended the memorial service of Leslie Cheung. World class Media like Reuters, AFP, Associated Press reported the death of Cheung. Even the China Central Television reported the death of a HK artist. Memorial Film Festivals were held in all over the world, including LA, Paris, Melbourne, Manchester, Vienna, New York, Chicago, Toronto, Rotterdam, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, Osaka, Busan, etc.

數萬人送別張國榮 Thousands of people say goodbye to Leslie Cheung. (Source: the web)

In the same year, Anita Mui, Chinese famous singer and actress passed away. Many people indicated it as the start of the decline of Cantonese Pop Music.

After 14 years, on the 1st April, there were still a lot of flower wreaths outside MO Hong Kong, mourning the left of a legend.

MO Hong Kong, 1st April 2017

On the 1st April every year, I saw a lot of posts memorizing Leslie Cheung in Facebook and Instagram. I never did it as I didn’t want to be like those people who just want to get likes. But, today, after writing this article, I really want to say:

Leslie, I miss you.


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