Visiting Arab friend's house

아랍친구집에 다녀왔다.
종교적인 이유인지 노출을 꺼려해서 인물사진은 제외하고 몇장 올려본다.
날씨가 선선한 겨울시즌에는 대부분 빌라앞 정원에 텐트를 치고
그안에서 생활하는 시간이 많은거 같다.
밤에는 쌀쌀하니 화로도 있고, TV 도 있고....
집에서 만든 빵과 소스도 먹어보았는데 생각보다 맛있다.

I visited an my Arab friend's house.
They don't want to be exposed due to religious reasons, so I try to upload a few photos, except for portraits.
During the winter season, most of the them make a big tent in the front garden and
they spend most of their time in it.
At night, it's chilly, there's a fireplace, and there's a TV also.
I also ate homemade bread and sauce, and it is more delicious than I expected.

Thanks for visiting and voting... ^^
If you like, follow me @abdullar

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