A Carnevale ogni foto vale!
Testo e fotografie di @adinapoli (s)
Le fotografie sono di proprietà dell'autore
ENG - Masks and costumes (by Andrea di Napoli) At Carnival every photo is worth it Every year, on the occasion of the Carnival week, children show off new costumes inspired by fantasy characters or others really existed, provided they are in some way direct protagonists of the "Their world". All parties, systematically reproduce atmospheres always identical, but, during the days dedicated to the "world in the opposite, once was granted to everyone even the opportunity to misrepresent their face and make a mockery of the powerful. After all ... semel en year licet insanire! Their aesthetic taste and their passion for mystery suggest to photographers the most suitable way to represent the characters "faceless", perennially ambiguous, mischievous or mocking. To be able to describe the purely external beauty typical of the carnivalesque masks, those who photograph them generally focus their attention above all on unusual shapes and chromatic characteristics. Preparations begin many days before and, despite being the most "unrestrained" holiday of the year ", Photographers should favor the most elegant poses and the most refined costumes, avoiding to grasp the decomposed attitudes so as not to ever expire in vulgarity. Participation is always rather rowdy and engaging, although it takes place in very different ways and forms. Around some events there are great economic interests, but even the simplest celebrations are rich only in Colors, Fantasy and papier-mâché for the allegorical wagons. Usually, in fact, ordinary people need only a veil, a wig, a hat or a fake nose to disguise themselves, becoming for a day priest, nun, sheriff or clown using what he found at home and thus respecting the true spirit of Carnival. It pleasantly surprises that in some cases the mask is worn candidly for pure enjoyment and not as an instrument of seduction or to perform criminal actions. Evidently masking still has an ancestral apotropaic value. However, between banquets, dances, jokes and jokes, also for this year will quickly end the days granted to the joy and fun that precede a sad and long Lent of penance and abstinence from meat (precisely "carnem levare") . But many people do ... "pretend it's always Carnival"!