Eppure i pendolari, gli studenti fuori sede e perfino i turisti mostrano di non essere affezionati al treno, dimenticando che i lunghi convogli che viaggiano su rotaie sono il simbolo del progresso.
In treno siamo partiti per rocambolesche vacanze ed all'interno dei suoi scompartimenti si sono svolti migliaia di incontri reali, di episodi letterari e di scene cinematografiche.
La famosa giallista Agatha Cristhie ha ambientato su un treno i delitti del romanzo “Assassinio sull'Orient-Express”, e di tutti i relativi adattamenti per il grande schermo, mentre, limitatamente alla produzione artistica italiana, vale la pena di ricordare alcune pagine di Vittorini e di Calvino e il film “Cafè express” del regista Nanni Loy. Ma, soprattutto, l'indimenticabile sequenza dei ceffoni rifilati ai passeggeri del treno in partenza nel “cult-movie” di Monicelli “Amici miei”.
Testo e fotografie di @adinapoli (s).
Le fotografie sono di proprietà dell'autore.
ENG - There are more and more inhabitants of the big cities that in recent times, a bit 'by choice and a bit' for a strange form of masochism, buy an apartment in a village not far away and go to live in the province. For them to reach the center where all their interests have remained and where it is possible to meet all their knowledge, it can become a difficult problem. The understandable traffic limitations discourage the use of the car, but it is not even advisable to take the buses because of the problems related to the intense road traffic or the scary traffic jams and the tremendous inconvenience. The most suitable public transportation to reach the nearby city reveals the train, despite the ticket price and some customary delay.
Yet commuters, off-campus students and even tourists show they are not fond of the train, forgetting that the long trains traveling on rails are the symbol of progress.
On the train we left for incredible holidays and thousands of real encounters, literary episodes and film scenes took place inside its compartments.
The famous detective books writer Agatha Cristhie set the crimes of the novel "Assassination on the Orient-Express", and of all the related cinematographic adaptations, while, limited to the Italian artistic production, it is worth recalling some pages of Vittorini and Calvino and the film "Cafè express" by the director Nanni Loy. But above all, the unforgettable sequence of slaps to the passengers of the departing train of the "cult-movie" by Monicelli "Amici miei".
The stations are, indeed, the background of the arrivals and departures of ordinary people, a place where, without distinction, they are all the same, of simple travelers, however they think about it. A microcosm, in short, in which any human event can take life between common protagonists and extraordinary performers or between those singular characters that are only found in railway stations.