Abstract processed landscapes [Creative Commons Photography]

I have about one hundred apps in my iPhone, and I use many of them to do some strange experiments with pictures. I usually start from a regular photo and start processing and editing it with many different software until it's quite different from the original one.

Tiny planets - Spherical Panorama

Among dozens of these experiment, I selected the best ones: shots taken in three different cities of Tuscany, Italy.

Livorno - Italy - Terrazza Mascagni

Pisa - Italy - Lungarno

Siena - Italy - Train Station

Processed Fractals / Recursive Geometry

I also some fractals apps and many different photographic effects to apply.
So I like creating fractals, mandalas and recursive geometric images, like this:

Blue Fractal

Recursive Golden Geometry

To certify my works please visit my website with the original pictures.

All pictures released under Creative Commons license - visit website for details.

You can find same works and more on my Instagram

Please leave your feedback and follow me @andrew0

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