Sunflower - a small sun!

Sunflowers like little sun, you can admire endlessly.

Sunflower is a symbol of gratitude. It is to the sun that he owes his beauty, therefore, expressing his gratitude, he always reveals himself at his appearance, continuously turning in the direction of the sun's rays.

But this plant has not only high decorative qualities. Truly, the range of its useful properties is unlimited!

In many Native American cultures, sunflower was used as a symbol of the deity of the Sun, especially among the Aztecs and Otomies in Mexico and the Incas in Peru.

The Europeans have a sunflower symbolizing gratitude. It is to the sun that he owes his beauty, therefore, expressing his gratitude, he always reveals himself at his appearance, continuously turning in the direction of the sun's rays.

In Chinese symbolism means longevity and has magical power.

On the Japanese sunflower, "himavari" sounds and in the flower calendar corresponds to the last month of summer - August.

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Thank you!

Love Andrianna   

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