16 Varieties of Hibiscus in My Friend's Garden in Panama

It is always a treat to visit our friend's house and see the hibiscus plants that line her driveway. It really is beautiful when they are all blooming at the same time. The last time we went over, I took a picture of all of the hibiscus that were in bloom.


It had just rained and my phone caught some of the raindrops still on the flowers. They really are pretty plants and I love all the variety she has!


The above picture has what I think is my current favorite hibiscus flower that she has. It's the red one and this picture doesn't do it justice. It's a deep red and so beautiful! Quite striking and unique!


Some of her hibiscus have a double bloom in them! These are pretty interesting looking because they look kind of twisted to me.


The above lilac colored flower was new to me this time. I don't remember seeing it before and purple is my favorite color. It sure has a subtle coloring which makes it pretty unique! I think it is pretty cool that these are just the flowers that were in bloom. Some of these she has multiple plants of so there can be hundreds of blooms at once in at least 20 varieties!

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Luke 12:27-28

"Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these."

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