Beautiful Little Purple Mushroom - Original Photography

While out walking yesterday, I came upon a log with some really cool looking mushrooms on it. I posted about some of the mushrooms here and today I wanted to show the other really interesting mushroom that was on the log. Sadly, it was slightly damaged, but it was still really cool looking and a very unique color.


See that little guy on the top right? He is a unique purplish color! It almost has some glowing little fur all over it. There is only one of these mushrooms on the log and no other ones around where I found it! He is unique!


I think it is pretty cool that these two totally different mushrooms are living on this stick. I think the kids or a dog found the stick and moved it to where I found it. I'm going to keep an eye out for more mushrooms in the neighborhood because they are pretty cool.


Pretty cool that you can see the gills on this mushroom as well, even though that is part of what is damaged. It was pretty stuck on the log.


The purple mushroom just makes me think of some type of hallucinogen inducing drug mushroom for some reason. Maybe it's just the color of it or the fuzzy fur that kind of had an iridescent kind of glow... Hopefully it isn't poisonous because I'm pretty sure my dog ate it...

Another week, another breathtaking sleeping Volcano Baru picture. Rest well, Baru!

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