Paris in Beautiful Light - Travel photography

Paris in Beautiful Light - Travel photography

During a software training trip to Paris, I managed to squeeze in some photography time.
The weather was awful the first few days, but then the day before we left it turned around.

Paris in Beautiful Light-10.jpg

One evening after having dinner I started walking a couple of blocks with a colleague and fellow Steemer @s3rg3. The light just had a beautiful quality about it.

Paris in Beautiful Light-7.jpg

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Paris in Beautiful Light-3.jpg Just look at this old couple, some truly great looking Parisians!

Paris in Beautiful Light-4.jpg

When I see the results, I’m glad I took my camera with me. At the time I did not realise these photos would ever be shared on Steemit!

Paris in Beautiful Light-15.jpg

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Paris in Beautiful Light-16.jpg Great atmosphere around the Eiffel Tower."

Paris in Beautiful Light-17.jpg Well, you just can't go to Paris and not photograph the great Eiffel Tower!

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