Wedding stories - L&I

Well, I'm not really counting myself as a wedding photographer, but having an occasion to make wedding shot is always good opportunity to check own skills and to improve some aspects of a photography

You have to remember the fact, that every couple generally has own vision of how the photo-shoot should look like and definitely they try to chose a photographer browsing his/her portfolio to see if general idea corresponds.

So this September I had another chance and the main idea was to make something special, some kind of artistic photoshoot, not in the common sweet and lovely way. Though you still have to reflect the emotion of the couple at this special day. Luckily I have access to some very special locations locally and we started from abandoned hotel (which is presently on reconstructions, but still loong way to go for completion)



Using various lenses (telephoto and wide angle) we tried to creat the story from a different points of view, not forgetting that the couple has to interact and show some emotions, movements etc


Catching some interesting lines and perspectives



Light and shadows to be involved as well....



Also finding some interesting framings around



After abandoned hotel we have mode to some interesting small yard with a natural lightning as well for another small set of photos, bearing in mind same rules and condition as above




Next point was a little walk at Klaipeda old town. Luckily the weather was good enough and, again, having in mind access to some very interesting position to make a click we got quite interesting perspectives from the top (shot from the roof of a building)





During all the photo-shoot only natural lightning was used, firstly because obviously it is more convenient not to think about flashes and so on. Personally I much more prefer to use natural lightning just to pose people in a right way as well as in this way is much more easier to apply some interesting color toning. This time we did it in a kind of imagination
color toning to put more artistic look.

Finally, have to admit that although shooting weddings is indeed hard job and responsibility, at the same time you are getting the ability to participate in one of the most important day of the two people, who just brightens with love and emotions. This is very cool life experience, getting only good and even more good emotions during that day

P.S. And also not to forget some small details....



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