"Introduce your Hometown" CHALLENGE ~ Visit my heaven Annecy, France ^_^

Annecy chose me about thirty years ago when I did my studies, as to learn the Russian language, I went to the Lycee Berthollet who gives this teaching ...

I was 15 years old and did not really know this city, living about fifty kilometers a little more towards Chamonix and Mont Blanc.
It is from this time that my attachment to this city dates, slowly, without realizing it, during the 3 years of high school, I slipped into this love for this beautiful place, and felt that a Day I would return.


23 years and a life later, I found a charming apartment 10 minutes from the lake,


it was 7 years ago and I have not ceased to be amazed since _

So here I am, I will introduce you to my city,

  • not as a tourist guide would,
    we do not have time to go around all the offerings of my town in a single post,
  • not like a tourist brochure that would detail all the places to go,
    all these pamphlets already exist because Annecy is a tourist worldly known place ;-)

I will present it to you as my heart knows it,

as my soul sings it,
as I discover it at each glance and never get weary ...


So let's start....


We might as well begin by some geographical data and figures nevertheless, then :

Annecy is a city in southeastern France, in the Massifs of the Northern Alps and next to Chamonix, the Mont-Blanc and very next to Switzerland


[EDIT : Thanks to @detlev, here is a visual location on a map =D, indeed I thought Annecy was the center of the Universe and probably didn't need any map....]

Geneva is at about 30 minutes when there is no traffic, which is rather rare, it must be confessed ...
indeed many people work in Geneva and Switzerland because the wages are much more interesting there,
which makes of Annecy an expensive city (many Swiss people also come to live here)
and as the region is beautiful, the tourism is very developed, so the real estate offer is .... VERY EXPENSIVE =O
... for the many people (like me) who do not work in Switzerland, it is more complicated to find accommodation and just live than in any other place in France !

... yes but ...

the quality of life is soooo well worth it!

I rent a small apartment that is not too expensive compared to market prices,
and as said by Anaïs Nin

luxury for me is not a necessity
but the beautiful things are

.... and what is more beautiful than this, Happy Fellows ? :


I know my Lovelies.. this is breathtaking, it always do this WOW feeling the first time

and the second time
and all the times.... =D

I present you the lake Annecy, a lake of very pure clear water we are very proud of,
its periphery is 40 kms,so not the biggest lake but the purest waters ;-)
Annecy is at the bottom end of the lake and this magnificent lake is

as beautiful from above than it is from land ;-)

Indeed, I can prove it :


Yeah, I know, I know... _

Now that we are on land, the visit will start ...
yes of course it has already begun,
because the lake is the central element of our life here, 20170510_103048-01.jpg

it's the one we come to admire,
to whom we entrust our joys and our thoughts,
it is the one who nourishes us with its energy and calmness, its beauty and its majesty ...
Majesty that comes to it from these magnificent mountains
plunging into its sovereign waters and which make that whatever the season,
the place is marvelous, enchanting, beautiful to stay for eternity


This lake, that is central in our lifes, is also kinda central in the city, as it joins the city and pours its quiet waves into a canal that crosses the old town ...

In the port of Annecy, the company of boats offers you the possibility of a cruise and

aboard the biggest boat,LE LIBELLULE (the Dragonfly) you will also have a lunch during your journey , and even a dancing diner...Oh my ! _





Now comes the heart of Annecy : its old town

It is a picturesque and timeless place that I never get tired of photographing, I love to restore the quaint and less touristic appearance one can find in most of the clichés that are usually shot of my city

The old town is full of narrow cobblestone streets and its medieval architecture makes it a wonderful place to shot

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...One must be there very early to shot an empy street !

Indeed the old town has an energy and a lively mood and streets are usually teeming of people ;-)

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Let me show you one of the simplest enjoyable thing to do while you are in Annecy _



Three times weekly, you can buy your fruits and veggies at the market, but also all sort of local products can be found,

and of course various breads and numerous cheeses...

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But market days are more than just shopping fresh products,


it's an opportunity to meet friends at the terrace and to live the sweet life to the familiar and joyful sounds of the market ;-)




We have an important cultural complex, national scene, named BONLIEU which broadcasts many shows throughout the year.

To this must be added the various festivals hosted by the city :

  • the Italian Film Festival,
  • the best known of all, the International Animated Film Festival the place of reference for animation in the world and The International Animation Film Market ~ the Mifa.
  • The festivals of the lake in August, which is a great pyrotechnic spectacle of sounds and lights on the lake

And if at the bend of an alley you meet these fancy dressed characters...


...it means you are during of the venitian carnaval that takes place each year in March and gathers thousands of people from all over Europe ...

Annecy is nicknamed Venice Of the Alps because of its channel which crosses the old town, and the Savoyard Venice has also its masked parade and it is truly beautiful and enchanting.
An highly anticipated moment each year ..!

Some events during the summer are poetic and scattered throughout the city :


Isn't that cute and enchanting...?

I love to be filled with wonder, when discovering such artistic surprises in the town _

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artworks installed in the Old Haras, last summer 2016
one will always find a picturesque scene in Annecy and especially during artistic happenings in July ;-)




* Wrought iron, stones, wood and old signs

The delicately suranned look of the storefronts is a characteristic of Annecy 's old town buildings


The quaint storefronts and old signs allow me "out of the time" shots


The retro streetlights of the old town always give it a special atmosphere...


* The canal "le Thiou" crossing the old town

The water flows from the lake into the canal running through the old city...with bridges and floodgates, it makes enchanting shots for who knows to wait to the perfect moment...

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The most shot building of Annecy ~The Palais de l'Isle ~ancient jails ...


The canal makes the city looks like Venice ...



* The restaurants and bistro with their unique style and terraces





I hope you have enjoyed this poetic stroll that I wanted to be more visual than descriptive,

I have put energy and days of merry work to be able to present it on time for this challenge #IntroduceYourHometown

Yet I plan later, in separate posts that will be specifically dedicated to them, to develop every aspect presented here today... and much more ;-)

in order to give a full homage to my city that I cherish so much.

So please consider this post as a preamble to others that will be added regularly if you wish ! _


I am happy if I eventually made you eager to visit Annecy

and if you are lucky to travel to France and come here,
I would gladly show you my city in real _

Have a wonderful day my Love-lies ! joyful.png

and don't forget to ifollowus.pngfor yourDailyWonkieDose

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