365 photos in 365 days: Day 220 The Forlorn Flower

Self portrait of a mother who passed a sleepless night with a fevered baby. For two nights he has not slept, and for two days I have struggled to keep up with my photo project and everything else that needs to be done. When I saw this forlorn flower, looking so sad and droopy, I felt like it was having exactly the days I have had.

Shot in RAW on my Canon 70D with my Sigma 35MM ART lens, f2.0, 1/80, ISO 100. I used the tripod and the 2 second delay to keep the shot perfectly still with the long exposure. Modified in photoshop to pull down the blacks and increase the highlights of the droplets, and I used the Filter>Render>Lighting Effects>Spot to accentuate the light in the top left corner. 

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