B&W PHOTO CONTEST - Church in the snowstrom (Entry 1)

Hi! This is my first entry for the first B&W PHOTO CONTEST on Steemit.

B&W PHOTO CONTEST was announced here by @daveks.

May be I'm not a big fan of B&W photo, but sometimes when I'm doing a postprocessing on my photos, I'm trying them in B&W.

So I wanted to try this photo in B&W for a long time. And now the time has come!

I made this shot in december in two days before the Chatolic Cristmas.

The weather was not very conducive to a shooting. There was a snow storm and a strong wind. The air temperature was -18 degrees Celsius.

But I did it and happy to share this photo with you.

How do you like it?


Nikon D5000 18-55VR

Do you like this post? You can see more of my works in my blog @boddhisattva

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