Mercury skies (B&W and colour photo)

It was a cloudy day two weeks ago at weekend. I thought that nature has to look good with the background of the heavy clouds. I drove to the countryside and made some shots.

And I present them to you in B&W and colour version.

B&W versions

I think that those heavy clouds looks good in black and white. Black and white version allows me to to distract from the color of grass and trees, and to focus on the clouds.







Colour versions

Coloured version allows you to more accurately convey the views and feelings that I felt during this walk.







I don't know why, but the title "Mercury skies" coming to my mind when I look at them.

As I said in my recent posts I started to like black and white photo.
And which version do you like in this post?

Nikon D5000 18-55VR

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