All in White Animals - Wiwcontest Week

This week the white is white contest is for animals which are all white! this is a tough one @dmcamera because even though some animals are supposed to be white they live outside and are not quite as white as they should be. lol! Anyway here are 3 of the best white animal pictures I have at the moment!

This photo is of a friend's little Maltese poodle. She is quite old so some of her fur is a little discoloured!

This is a goose having a rest in the shade

A nosey Alpaca, not quite as white and clean as she should be because they are outside.

Another one of the goose eating.
all photo were taken by @claudiaz - all with different cameras

If you would like to know about this particular contest please visit the following link: @dmcamera/new-weekly-theme-animals-wiwcontest-week-12-winners

If you enjoy photo contests with a difference please feel free to join a weekly contest I am running.

Every week I select a fun, crazy or unusual theme and the winners share the 5.000 Steem allocated to the contest.

This week’s fun theme is "My Additcion”, so if you would like to join please click this link and see the post for some very easy to follow guidelines.


If you enjoy photography please join our Discord Channel here:


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