Taking Time To Watch The Butterflies And Smell The Flowers
Eastern Tailed Blue (Everes comynta)
I just wanted to share a couple thoughts and pictures that I happened to capture right beside my garden. If you are like me you may not be where you want to be in life. I’m not talking happiness, that’s a choice we make, I’m talking about parts of my life that are not the way I want them to be. I often find that one of the most awesome aspects of working in a garden is it gives you time to think. In most of our lives we always seem soooo busy that we rarely take the time to stop and think, to ponder the real deep questions we have or explore the multitude of ideas we have swimming around in our heads. I have even heard it said that most people never have an original thought
Pearl Crescent (Phyciodes tharos)
I’m not talking about sitting around on a rock somewhere contemplating our navel, I think it’s great if you want to do that, but I’m talking more practical things. How or why something works. How our thoughts and feelings affect ourselves and others around us. How and Why we raise our children the way that we do. The list could go on for a long time, but it’s really about evaluating something that can lead us to adjust our actions to fit with our thoughts and ideas.
It’s in times of deep thought and in answering questions like these that we will often find the things that transform our lives. It’s much like the butterflies in this post, a few short months ago they were little worms crawling around on the ground or across the leaves of the plants. They are worms, which have some beauty on their own, but they are limited in what they can do they simply crawl and eat to prepare for the future.
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Male (Papilio glaucus) (aka Tiger Swallowtail)
The worm’s decision is not a conscious decision but when nature tells them to form a chrysalis, it is much like us making a decision or adjustment to our path. The result may not be immediately evident, the decision may not have the impact we hoped for at first, but given time and consistent effort it will produce a result.
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Female dark (Papilio glaucus) (aka Tiger Swallowtail)
It simply may take some time much like the butterfly’s emergence from the chrysalis. They have spent a good amount of time confined, but as they exit, they must wait for a period for their wings to fully expand before they can fly. Then no longer limited to just crawling, they can take flight and explore an entirely new expanded world, filled with beautiful flowers.
So, if your not exactly where you want to be in life, take some time to watch the butterflies and think. Remember when you do spread your wings and take off, also take some time to stop and smell the flowers, it’s where you get your fuel to keep flying.
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Taking Time To Watch The Butterflies And Smell The Flowers....
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