Photoshoot - Why Choose Black & White?


It's perhaps surprising how strongly some people feel about the subject of black and white versus color photography.

There are still plenty of die-hard mono fans out there who would never dream of shooting color. Many of us shoot both color and monochrome, depending on the situation. I adore color and rarely output in mono, but sometimes I will, if I feel the shots lend themselves to it.

There are two scenarios where I will go for black and white. The first scenario is when shooting an aesthetic that features interesting lines, curves or shapes. Black and white photos can really accentuate shape and form, creating visceral impact, and leaving no doubt about the intentions of the photographer.

The other scenario is when I feel the subject matter has a classic, vintage or timeless feel. The shoot on this page had that as far as the styling went, and indeed, those sunglasses are also geometrically interesting, so for both reasons, I chose black and white for this shoot.



Nikon D750. Sigma 85mm 1.4 HSM.
Model: Mary-Kate
Styled by the one and only Leanne Woodfull

Do you shoot color or mono? And why?

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