Wide Angle Lens For Portraits?

"Never use a wide angle lens for portraiture". I read this again and again and it's not completely true.

Lenses wider than around 50mm introduce distortion which is increasingly visible when the subject is closer to the camera. Longer lenses such as 85-105mm show much less of this, and longer than that a certain amount of "compression" is introduced. Headshot photographers tend to use longer lenses but unfortunately, it seems headshot shooters are very vocal online and love to repeat their anti-wide-angle mantra. The misconception is that wide angle lenses shouldn't be used for any portraits, rather than for headshots.

Once your framing gets wider than head and shoulders, and if you shoot from the right angle, distortion becomes less obvious. A wide angle lens can give a great sense of environment, as well as feeling far more intimate. Ideal for glamour photography.


Model: Vajola
Nikon D750. Nikkor 28mm 1.8. Reflector camera right.

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