My First Wedding Shoot

I got asked to shoot a family wedding a few weeks ago. Up until now, I had only shot one other wedding, and that was as a third shooter....meaning there was no pressure on me since I was not the main photographer or even the secondary photographer. I jumped at the chance to photograph this wedding--my husband's cousin and his bride. 

After accepting the task, I immediately started studying wedding photography. I normally do family portraits, so I had a lot to learn. It felt like cramming for final exams. I only had two weeks to prepare for the big day.

The bride and groom were really sweet and laid-back, which made them easy to work with. 

I struggled with the lighting for the indoor photos of the ceremony and reception. I don't have the proper equipment nor enough experience shooting indoors, since I normally shoot with natural lighting outdoors. But, I'm pretty happy with how my photos turned out overall :)

All of these were shot with a Canon Rebel T3 using a 50mm and 85mm.



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