Inhale the future and exhale the past, do it NOW.

My most amazing Super Power Is 'FOCUS'.

Go to school, study hard, and get a good education, because good looks alone can't get me through life. This is what ugly people say, and it's not true.

I am me, and the rest is all stories.

My computer is a mechanical copy of me, with 7 billion bytes and ONE screen.

I'm the worst vampire there is, because I only drink blood from vampires.

The Internet is a mechanical copy of my imagination.

Without me nothing does exist, and with me everything is.

Past is imaginary, so belief in a past I did not experience is being lost.

Projection is the desire to have control, while reflection unfolds perfect now.

Simple is true, now is true, now is matter, not now does not matter... Craig :)

Craig Grant (390).jpg

and she is @yuliana

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