The only value of equality in life is time, and the only time is now. How I spend my time is the true value of my life.

I accept others for who or what they are, and define my way of life for my self.

Once in a while, a second most evil can kill the first most evil, to become the first most evil, so the first most evil will never die.

My computer screen enables me to have fun communicating with imaginary reflections of my self.

I have a satellite that reads, records, and reports how many people are living on planet earth in every moment. Looking at my graphic report, the rate of people dying and baby births, is a heart beat.

NOW is where my life is, was, and always will be.

NOW there is no fight to fight, everything is all right NOW.

It's all about balance, as bad as it is in suffering, it's just as bad in very bright light, the middle is the sweet spot.

If I feel a sense of purpose behind trying very hard everyday to get rich, then that feeling means I will never get rich, as the struggle is my pleasure. I will get rich when I get sick of trying and give up, and no longer care about being rich. Just to live each day in fun, an experience of great wealth, that no money can buy.

Sight is negative balance of Light. There are unlimited definitions for what I see in Sight, and with Light there's one definition.

ETERNAL = everything and nothing, all at the same time... Craig :)

Craig Grant (1730).jpg

and she is @yuliana

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